2、基本信息: 姓名:祁斌 性别:男 出生日期:1971年1月14日 工作单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 职务职称:院副总建筑师高级建筑师 执业注册情况:国家一级注册建筑师 Qibin Male Principle Chief Architect, Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University First Class Register Architect, China 3、教育和工作经历:
祁斌简历 生于1971年。1996年硕士毕业于清华大学建筑学院,同年进入清华大学建筑设计研究院工作至今,其间于1998-2001年公派赴日本研修及合作交流,2009-1010任美国麻省理工学院建筑系访问学者同时兼任副哈佛大学设计研究生院客座评论建筑师。现任清华大学建筑设计研究院副总建筑师,建筑创作一所所长。兼任中国建设环境艺术委员会常务理事,中国建筑学会体育建筑专业委员会委员,多家建筑专业杂志编委。 Qibin’s Curriculum Vitae QI Bin was born in 1971. After obtained Architectural master degree from the school of Architecture of Tsinghua University, QI Bin has been working in the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University for over 15 years. 1998- 2001 he was visiting worked at AXS SAWTO, Japan. 2009-2010 he was being as a visiting scholar at MIT and a critic architect at GSD of Harvard University. QI Bin is a principle chief architect and the director of Architectural Creation Studio1 in the Architectural Design and Research Institute of Tsinghua University at present. Meanwhile, QI Bin is holding concurrent posts as executive commissioner of China Architectural Environment Art Committee, commissioner of China Sports Building Committee and editorial board for several Chinese Professional Architectural magazines.
个人荣誉 2009年获 “全球华人青年建筑师奖” 2004年获第五届中国建筑学会青年建筑师奖 Honors & Awards 2009 “Global Ten Outstanding Chinese Architects Awards”, Architectural Society of China 2004 Young Architects Awards, Architectural Society of China
主要建筑作品及获奖 徐州音乐厅 2011年获中国建筑学会室内分会优秀公共建筑设计一等奖 2011年获年度优秀公共空间设计“金堂奖” 徐州美术馆 2011年获教育部优秀工程设计一等奖 2011年获第六届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖优秀奖
奥林匹克公园下沉花园2#院 2009年获中国勘察设计学会全国优秀工程勘察设计一等奖 2009年获北京市第十四届优秀工程设计一等奖 2008年获第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖优秀奖 2008年获中国环境艺术奖
2008奥运会北京射击馆 2009年 获2008年度全国优秀工程勘察设计银奖 2009年 获北京市第十四届优秀工程设计一等奖 2008年 获国家优质工程鲁班奖 2008年 获第八届中国土木工程詹天佑奖 2008年 获北京市奥运工程规划勘察设计测绘绿色设计奖 2008年 获第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖佳作奖 2007年 获中国建筑学会室内分会优秀室内设计奖 2004年 获第十届首都规划设计展 “十佳”设计方案奖 2004年 获第十届首都规划设计展公共建筑优秀设计方案奖 2003年 国际建筑设计奖赛中标
徐州水下兵马俑博物馆/汉文化艺术馆 2009年获中国建筑学会建国60周年建筑创作大奖 2008年获教育部优秀工程设计一等奖 2008年获第五届中国建筑学会建筑创作奖优秀奖 2006年获中国房地产设计联盟年度建筑文化大奖
北京海淀社区中心 2006年获全国优秀工程勘察设计银奖 2006年获建设部优秀工程设计一等奖 2005年获教育部优秀工程设计一等奖 2001年获第七届首都规划设计展 “十佳”优秀公共建筑奖 2001年获第七届首都规划设计展建筑艺术创作优秀奖
李可染艺术馆 2009年获中国建筑学会建国60周年建筑创作大奖 2009年获“蓝星杯”中国威海国际建筑设计大奖赛优秀奖 2009年 获北京市第十四届优秀工程设计三等奖
2008奥运会北京飞碟靶场 2009年 获北京市第十四届优秀工程设计二等奖
徐州规划馆 2012年北京市第十六届优秀工程设计二等奖
208所兵器展馆及射击馆 2012年北京市第十六届优秀工程设计二等奖
徐州南湖水街 2011年 获江苏省优秀工程设计二等奖 2011年 获北京市第十五届优秀工程设计三等奖 2006年获全国人居经典建筑设计竞赛综合大奖
射击中心国家队训练设施 2009年 获北京市第十四届优秀工程设计三等奖 2008年获全国人居经典建筑设计竞赛建筑大奖
徐州汉文化景区 2005年获教育部优秀规划设计二等奖 2005年获中国建设环境艺术委员会示范景区奖
烟台山景区 2003年获教育部优秀规划设计三等奖
Architectural Design works and Awards Xuzhou Concert Hall, Jiangsu 2011 Public Architecture Interior Design Award, IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects) 2011 Annual best ten national Public Architecture “ JinTang” Award, Xuzhou Art Museum, Jiangsu 2011 1st Prize Architectural Design Awards, the Ministry of Education 2011 Architectural Creation Excellence Award, Architectural Society of China 2# Courtyard, Olympic Green, Beijing 2009 1st Prize Award of Chinese National design Awards 2009 1st Prize Award of14th Beijing Architectural Design Awards 2008 Architectural Creation Excellence Award, Architectural Society of China 2008 Environment Art Award,China Architectural Environment Art Committee Shooting Range for 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, Beijing 2009 Chinese National Architectural Design Silver Award, the Ministry of Construction 2009 1st prize Award of 14th Beijing Architectural Design Awards 2008 “LUBAN Award-Chinese”- National Architectural Construction Gold award, CCIA 2008 “ZHANTIANYOU Award”-Chinese National Civil Engineering Gold award, CACE 2008 Green Buildings Design Award of 2008 Beijing Olympic Construction 2008 Architectural Creation Encourage Award, Architectural Society of China 2006 Culture Architecture Interior Design Award, IFI (International Federation of Interior Architects) 2004 " Architectural Creation Award", the 10th Beijing Capital Planning Design Exhibitions 2004 "Best 10 Public Architectural Award", the 10th Beijing Capital Planning Design Exhibitions 2003 1st- Prize Award in the International architectural design competition Han Culture Museum / Underwater Terra-cotta Museum, Jiangsu 2009 1949-2009 the outstanding Architectural Design master Awards, Architectural Society of China 2008 Architectural Creation Excellence Award, Architectural Society of China 2008 1st Prize Architectural Design Awards, the Ministry of Education 2006 Annual Culture Award, CRDA Beijing Haidian Community center, Beijing 2006 Chinese National Architectural Design Silver Award 2006 1st Prize Architectural Design Awards, the Ministry of Construction 2005 1st Prize Architectural Design Awards, the Ministry of of Education 2001 Architectural Creation Award, the 7th Beijing Capital Planning Design Exhibitions 2001 "Best 10 Public Architectural Award", the 7th Beijing Capital Planning Design Exhibitions Likeran Art Gallery, Jiangsu 2009 1949-2009 the outstanding Architectural Design master Awards, Architectural Society of China 2009 3rdPrize Award of14th Beijing Architectural Design Awards Clay Target Field of the National Shooting Range, Beijing 2009 2nd Prize Award of14th Beijing Architectural Design Awards Xuzhou Urban Planning Exhibition center, Jiangsu 2012 2nd Prize Award of16th Beijing Architectural Design Awards 208# Weapon Museum and Shooting Center, Beijing 2012 2nd Prize Award of16th Beijing Architectural Design Awards Nanhu Water Village, Jiangsu 2011 2ndPrize Award, the Architectural Design Award of Jiangsu Province 2011 3rdPrize Award of 15th Beijing Architectural Design Award 2006 Comprehensive award, National habitation architecture design competition Training facilities of the National Shooting Range, Beijing 2008 Architectural Design Award, National Habitation Architecture Design Competition 2009 3rd Prize Award of14th Beijing Architectural Design Awards Xuzhou Han Dynasty cultural Park,Jiangsu 2004 2nd- Prize Urban Planning Awards, the Ministry of Education Yantai hill cultural Park, Shandong 2003 3rd- Prize Urban Planning Awards, the Ministry of Education
Architectural Creation Concept Architectural design is a process teasing out a series of clear architectural logic and appropriate architectural language from the environmental character and cultural personality, using the language to elaborate architectural needs, meanwhile moving the people who are using it. Experiences and the perception on life are crucial for the process.
5、个性化点评:媒体或国内外同行对个人的评价; 建筑设计不断实践着对建筑人文精神的表达,在一系列公共建筑作品中展现出对公共价值的尊重,对普通使用者参与公共建筑可能性的充分关注。强调自内而外、由里及表的建立在清晰建筑逻辑基础上的建筑表达,建筑空间展现出交往性和宜人的人文氛围。在他的作品中,显示出对中国传统文化的挚爱以及在建筑创作中致力于表达深层次人文意境的探索追求。 Appraise The expression of human architectural spirit is consistently practiced during his architectural design process. A series of his public architecture works reveal respect for the public value and his focus on the participation of ordinary people. He emphasizes architectural expression that comes from inside to the outside should be based on distinct architectural logic. Then the communicative and pleasant human atmosphere emerges in the building spaces. His love of Chinese traditional culture and exploration of the way of expressing the deep-seated humanities mood during architectural creation could be seen from his works.
6、代表作品介绍:本人创作和参与的设计项目1-2个, 代表作品一 项目名称:徐州音乐厅 建设地点:江苏省徐州市云龙湖北岸 业主单位:徐州市建设局 用地面积:约5公顷 总建筑面积:12800平方米 设计时间:2007-2008 竣工时间:2010年 设计单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院 主创人员:祁斌、邹晓霞、吕雁、王明帆 经济技术指标: 项目简介: 徐州音乐厅建造在一片人工填湖形成的临湖半岛用地上,设计取意城市的市花—紫薇花的形态。建筑整体犹如层层展开的花瓣,勾勒出花朵婀娜的形态,绽放在云龙湖平静的水面上。开放的室外看台及休闲空间环绕建筑主体,以美丽的云龙湖为舞台背景,成为城市公共演出的开放舞台,也为市民提供一处观湖休闲的公共空间。建筑契合场所、地形、功能特征,形成具有象征性的理性的建筑形态,融入山水城市景观,象征着进取的城市精神。
Masterpiece 1 Project: Xuzhou Concert Hall Location: North beach of Lake Yunlong, Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province Client: Xuzhou Construction Bureau Land Area: 50,000m2 Construction Area: 12,800m2 Year of Design: 2007-2008 Year of Complete: 2010 Firm: Architectural Design& Research Institute of Tsinghua University Architects: Qi Bin, Zou Xiaoxia, Lv Yan, Wang Mingfan
Project Introduction Xuzhou Concert Hall is built on an artificial peninsula beside Lake Yunlong. Greatly inspired by the imagery of the crape myrtle, which is the floral emblem of Xuzhou, the whole building was designed as if its layers appear like expanded petals. The petals outlined the posture of a graceful flower which is blooming on the tranquil water surface of Lake Yunlong. The main building is surrounded by outdoor bleachers and leisure spaces. With Lake Yunlong as the background, the bleachers and leisure spaces became an open stage for the city’s public performances. These bleachers and leisure spaces also provide a recreational urban space in which the citizens can enjoy the lake view. The building corresponding with its location, the topography of its site and its functional characteristics, takes on a symbolic but rational architecture form which is integrated into the urban landscape, symbolizing the enterprising spirit of city.
代表作品二 项目名称:北京海淀社区中心 建设地点:北京市海淀区双榆树 业主单位:北京市海淀区双榆树街道办事处 用地面积:约4500平方米 总建筑面积:12700平方米 设计时间:2002-1003 竣工时间:2005年 设计单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院 主创人员:祁斌、谢照唐 胡珀 项目简介: 建筑设计围绕社区中心的使用主体——广大居民的要求展开,政府服务职能融入开放亲切的交流空间,一改政府建筑威严冰冷的一贯形象。平易、亲切、对话的建筑空间改变了使用者人的行为方式,让社区中心更像是一个家庭起居室,充满着人性化的氛围。
Masterpiece 2 Project: Haidian Community Center, Beijing Location: Shuangyushu, Haidian District, Beijing Client: Subdistrict Office of Shuangyushu Land Area: 4,500m2 Construction Area: 12,700m2 Year of Design: 2002-2003 Year of Complete: 2005 Firm: Architectural Design& Research Institute of Tsinghua University Architects: Qi Bin, Xie Zhaotang, Hu Po
Project Introduction The design of the project meets the requirements of the residents first, who are the main users of the community center. Rather than the consistent majesty and ice-cold image of government buildings, all the service offices are blended with open and cordial communication spaces. With the human atmosphere, the interior spaces of the community center transformed the behavior of all the users, then the building is like a family living room. |