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2017-7-25 08:57| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 3026| 评论: 0 |来自: 网络

简介:纽约建筑事务所SO-IL和巴黎建筑事务所laisn roussel携手法国地产开发商REI Habitat及Icade创造了一个极具吸引力的设计方案,一举获得巴黎塞纳河岸Place Mazas地块重建招标优胜。该获奖方案兼顾当代发展和历史文脉, ...

纽约建筑事务所SO-IL和巴黎建筑事务所laisné roussel携手法国地产开发商REI Habitat及Icade创造了一个极具吸引力的设计方案,一举获得巴黎塞纳河岸Place Mazas地块重建招标优胜。该获奖方案兼顾当代发展和历史文脉,创造了一套可以和城市共同发展的可变基础设施,为城市注入了新鲜血液。

设计名为“L’ Atelier de l’ Arsenal”,旨在将未能充分利用的Place Mazas地块变成巴黎的新社会节点。基地位于圣马丁运河和塞纳河交汇处,文化、经济和环境在这里交织在一起。同时,基地还处在未来重要发展项目的中心地带,如新城市道路Balade de L’Arsenal和新滨水公园parc Rives de Seine均设置于此。

In joining the Reinventer La Seine competition for the Place Mazas site in Paris, New York-based architects SO – IL and Paris-based laisné roussel have partnered with French real estate developers REI Habitat and Icade to create a captivating design proposal. Our winning submission offers a fresh approach to urbanism, one that carefully considers contemporary as well as historical contexts while creating a flexible infrastructure that can evolve in parallel with the city.

The focus of our proposal, titled “L’ Atelier de l’ Arsenal”, is the transformation of the underused site of Place Mazas into a new social node for Paris. Located at the junction of Canal Saint Martin and the Seine River, the site forms a critical intersection of cultural, economic, and environmental networks. It is also strategically positioned at the center of important future development projects like the Balade de L’Arsenal, a new urban path, and the new pedestrian waterfront park, parc Rives de Seine.

▼可以适应城市发展的设计,proposal that could grow with the city

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