建筑位于墨西哥城 Milán 44 号,是由 Francisco Pardo Arquitecto 事务所与建筑师 Julio Amezcua 合作设计的城市再生项目。建筑师将原有一幢属于汽车部件零售商店的四层仓库改造为城市市场。项目激活了一个新的区域,将两侧完全不同的社群连接在一起。项目一侧是象征着经济蓬勃发展的 Paseo de la Reforma 区域,另一侧是当地嬉皮士文化发展的中心 Colonia Roma Norte。自 1985 年的地震以来,这个地处正处在衰落后缓慢重建的过程。位于城市中心,历史悠久,配备了新的基础设施后,项目拥有了城市未来发展的必备条件。 Designed by Francisco Pardo Arquitecto, in collaboration with architect Julio Amezcua, Milan 44 is an urban-regeneration project located in Colonia Juarez, Mexico City. The project transforms an old four-storey warehouse that was originally home to an auto-parts store into an urban market that reactivates a neighborhood, which connects two entirely contrasting areas. On one side, the booming business district that lines the emblematic Paseo de la Reforma, and on the other side, the lively epicenter of hipster subculture, Colonia Roma Norte. This area, which has been in decay since the 1985 earthquake, is currently experiencing a slow gentrification process. Centrally located and rich in history, it has been equipped with new infrastructure and now holds the genetic code for the city’s future development. ▼重建后的仓储空间,the renovated warehouse ▼改造前的建筑,building before restoration
对于设计团队来说如何根据地区的发展方式改造现有建筑是他们面临的主要挑战,事务所决定将原来出于功能性设计的混凝土框架结构整合为具有多重动态功能分布的新角色中。 Transforming the existing building according to the new dynamics of the area has been the main challenge for the architectural firm, who decided to integrate a regular grid of concrete beams, columns and slabs, originally conceived from a utilitarian perspective, into the poly-dynamic venue’s new public role. ▼根据地区发展方向改造的空间,existing building is transformed according to the new dynamics of the area ▼底层的商业空间,retail space on the ground floor
建筑的左侧立面保留了原始的钢筋混凝土结构,其中两层空间布置了市场、餐厅和私人的商店,包括理发店和瑜伽室。新的方案从本质上来说是城市空间的延展,原本的仓储空间已经摇身一变,脱去了它的封闭内向的外立面,变得开放,迎接着城市中的居民和客人。 Left exposed like a raw skeleton, the reticular structure is the framework for a two-storey local market, restaurants, and several private commercial spaces including a barber’s shop and a yoga studio. The new public program intrinsically and physically forms an extension of the city itself: the former warehouse with its blind facades vigorously shakes off its skin, opening up and inviting the urban fabric to come in. ▼建筑立面保留了钢筋混凝土结构,the raw skeleton can be seen from the facade 保持现有规模和结构的同时,建筑已经发证了质的改变:通过一个绿色的楼梯加强了空间中的垂直流线。这个靓丽的元素连接了空间,邀请游客进入建筑空间来探索。 While maintaining its original scale and structure, the building has undergone a complete metamorphosis: a green staircase has been added to generate fluid vertical circulation. Acting like a fil-rouge, this element connects the spaces and invites visitors to explore the building extensively. ▼空间中的绿色楼梯增强了垂直交通,the green staircase has been added to generate fluid vertical circulation 建筑事务所的创始人 Francisco Pardo 说:“楼梯像一条穿越建筑空间的龙卷风,将城市街道抬升到屋顶水平。” “Through it, the street folds to the inside and upwards” says Francisco Pardo, founder of the architectural practice. “it’s like a vortex that transversely crosses the building, pulling the street right up to the rooftop”. ▼上层空间,space on upper level
建筑顶层向公众开放,并设立了一个啤酒吧。项目不仅仅为城市提供了一个典型的底层商业区,还为他们创造了垂直的娱乐空间。在这里,一个全新的,动态的场地开始显现,向该地区对变化的包容性致敬。 The architectural peak culminates on the top floor, which is also open to the public and hosts a beer bar: in this way, the Milan 44 project gives back to the city much more than just the ground floor of a standard building, which is typically designated for commercial use. In its place, an entirely fresh, dynamic venue has emerged, in homage to the collectivity that embodies the radical change embracing the area. ▼顶层的公共酒吧,the top floor hosts a public beer bar ▼夜景,nightscape |