将建筑变为城市景观是当下的流行趋势,也指导了这个文化中心项目的落成。科尔多瓦文化中心是阿根廷共和国二百周年纪念建筑,此项目面临的最大挑战是在不更改原建筑性质的前提下,融入政府历史档案馆与人民礼堂。项目旨在设计一栋永久性当代建筑作为城市的标志,同时需具备各种公共职能。将建筑以景观而非纪念碑形式建造是一个新的尝试,这个新的城市空间需包含三个主要设计元素:多层建筑(展馆部分),地标性建筑(远景透视效果),林荫道(连接辅路和步行路网)。此建筑并非一栋传统意义上的纪念建筑,而是满足多样需求的集会议会中心,也是一处新的城市景观。 Making a landscape from a building was the ruling concept that guided this project search on the demand presented by the licitation for the building of a “Córdoba Province Interpretation Centre” to commemorate the Argentine Republic Bicentennial. The main challenge was to incorporate The Province Historical File and an the Auditorium without modifying the project essence. The project searched for a long lasting contemporary building as a sign of present time and its new demand for clarity, sustenance, communicative capacity and resource economy. It was an attempt to build a landscape over the idea of building a monument. This urban space is articulated over three basic elements: Stairs Building (pavilion), Pharos (long distance perspective icon) and avenue (with bifurcations and paths network). A landscape that would allow diverse public collective meetings above the idea of a traditional allegoric narrative monument, a meeting area landscape over the idea of a monument-building construction. ▼鸟瞰建筑,bird view |