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台湾屏东县一夹层住宅的改造 Mixed-Level Family Home by HAO Design

2016-8-16 09:21| 发布者: 新建筑| 查看: 1579| 评论: 0 |来自: 网络

简介:这座两层半的小屋位于台湾屏东县,内部带有夹层,是一座典型的台湾早期居住建筑。HAO Design(好室设计)对这座建筑的内部进行了重新设计,使其再获新生。 HAO Design(好室设计)并没有按照一般做 ...


这座两层半的小屋位于台湾屏东县,内部带有夹层,是一座典型的台湾早期居住建筑。HAO Design(好室设计)对这座建筑的内部进行了重新设计,使其再获新生。




HAO Design(好室设计)并没有按照一般做法将夹层拆除,而是将其巧妙利用了起来。首先拆除掉夹层两侧的隔墙,这样使得房间内部明亮起来。








项目依旧延续了HAO Design(好室设计)对美好家庭生活氛围的营造,温馨舒适是其永远的主题。


























HAO Design strives to achieve an optimal balance between space and lighting, which is why we chose to employ design methods that address the various limitations of the building. First, the partition walls of the mezzanine were removed, so that the 1.5-story floor height became the visual divide of the entire interior space. The upper floor was transformed into an open library, so that light that is introduced by taking away the partitions can stream into the ground-level living room. The large window framing the dining area affords maximum lighting, while the rescaled and leveled window ledge naturally evolved into seating for the dining table.


The team’s second challenge was the staircase. The original stairway, which occupied the entrance of the house, was relocated to the back where the kitchen used to be. Translucent materials were utilized to replace the roofing above the kitchen so that light can penetrate and guide the direction of the stairway. This also acts as a transition between the open space of the ground floor and the privacy of the second floor. Upstairs, the light connects the master bedroom to the open bathroom. Window designs identical to the first floor accentuate the natural flow of both light and air. Even though the house is divided into several rooms, the deep sense of connectedness between the various spaces and their different functions created by the well-placed stairway enables household dwellers to move freely around the entire structure. Elevations and depressions in the flooring not only create convenient tables and seating but also differentiate between rooms with varying functions and elements. When light illuminates the interior of the house, shadows accentuate flow of movement, creating a space in which dwellers seated at various heights across the floor may engage in intimate, animated communication.(text from archdaily)


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