何镜堂He Jingtang
基本信息:男,生于1938年4月2日,中国工程院院士、中国工程设计大师,华南理工大学建筑学院院长兼建筑设计研究院院长、总建筑师、教授、博士生导师,国家特许一级注册建筑师。 Basic Information: Male, born on April 2, 1938, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, master of Chinese engineering design, dean of the School of Architecture and Architectural Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology and, Chief Architect, professor, Ph.D. supervisor, national class 1 registered architect 联系地址:中国广东省广州市天河区五山路华南理工大学建筑设计研究院 Address: South China University of Technology Design and Research Institute, Wushan Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China 教育和工作经历: 1965年于华南工学院民用建筑专业硕士研究生毕业(四年),师从岭南建筑大师夏昌世教授,1983年5月至今于华南理工大学建筑设计研究院,任院长、总建筑师、教授、博士生导师。 Education and work experience: postgraduate graduation (four years) of civil construction, South China Institute of Technology in 1965, under the tutelage of Professor Xia Changshi, a Lingnan master architect, served as the dean, chief architect, professor and Ph.D. supervisor of Architectural Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology. 主要作品包括2010年上海世博会中国馆、侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程、西汉南越王墓博物馆、天津博物馆、钱学森纪念馆、映秀震中纪念馆、2008年北京奥运会摔跤馆、华南理工大学逸夫人文馆、长春烈士陵园、广州市越秀区解放中路旧城改造项目一期工程、泰州民俗文化展示中心、浙江大学紫金港校区、华南师范大学南海学院、广州大学城华南理工大学、广州大学城广东药学院、重庆大学虎溪校区规划、重庆工学院花溪校区、澳门大学、珠江新城西塔等。 His major works include 2010 Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion, expansion project for Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, Museum of Nanyue King Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, Tianjin Museum, Qian Xuesen Memorial Hall, Yingxiu Epicenter Memorial Hall, Wrestling Hall of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Shaw Building of Humanities in South China University of Technology ,Chuangchun Martyrs Cemetery, Old City Reconstruction Project (Phase One)of Guangzhou Yuexiu District Middle Jiefang Road, Taizhou Folk Culture Exhibition Center, Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University, Nanhai College of South China Normal University, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou University City Guangdong College of Pharmacy in Guangzhou University City, Huxi Campus of Chongqing University, Huaxi Campus of Chongqing Institute of Technology, University of Macau, the West Tower of Zhujiang New Town. 获得奖励: Awards: 1994年国家授予“中国工程设计大师”称号 In 1994, was granted the title of “Chinese Engineering Design Master” by the State. 1999年当选中国工程院院士 In 1999, was elected as academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering. 2001年获首届梁思成建筑奖(中国建筑界最高奖) In 2001, won the first Liang Sicheng Architecture Award (the highest award of the construction industry in China) 2005年获“全国先进工作者”称号 In 2005, won the title of “National Advanced Worker” 2009年获中国勘察设计协会国庆60周年“十佳具有行业影响力人物”大奖 In 2009, won the award of the “Top Ten Industry Influential People” in the 60th Anniversary of China Survey and Design Association 2010年获中国工程院光华工程科技奖,获广东省科学技术突出贡献奖 In 2010, won Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, won Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award of Guangdong Province
此外,还获得全国模范教师、科教兴国贡献奖、广东省劳动模范、南粤杰出劳模、中国国际设计艺术博览会国际设计艺术终身成就奖、广东十大创新人物、中华文化人物奖、中国全面小康贡献人物奖、上海世博先进个人、中国建筑应用创新大奖卓越贡献奖、教育部科学技术进步奖二等奖等奖项和荣誉称号。 In addition, he also won the awards and honorary titles including National Model Teacher, Rejuvenating the Country through Science and Education Contribution Award, Guangdong Province Model Worker, Southern Guangdong Outstanding Model Worker, China International Design Art Fair International Design Lifetime Achievement Award, Guangdong Top Ten Innovative People, Chinese Culture People Award, China’s Well-off Contribution People Award, Shanghai Expo Advanced Individual, China Construction Application Innovation Award for Outstanding Contribution, Ministry of Education Science and Technology Progress Second Prize. 建筑作品先后获得三项国家金奖、四项国家银奖、四项国家铜奖、省部级以上奖项近200项,中国建筑学会建国60周年建筑创作大奖有13项作品获奖。 His architecture works have won three national gold awards, four national silver awards, four national bronze awards, near 200 provincial and ministerial awards; 13 works won the award in the 60th Anniversary of the Architectural Society of China Architectural Creation. 建筑理论:长期从事建筑设计和教学、科研工作,形成“两观三性”建筑理论体系框架:以“整体观”为指导,重点研究建筑与周边城市环境、自然环境的关系;以“可持续发展观”为指导,重点研究绿色建筑设计及技术应用;以“地域性”为指导重点研究建筑与特定地域环境的关系;以“文化性”为指导重点研究建筑的文脉传承问题;以“时代性”为指导重点研究现代建筑材料与建筑技术对建筑设计的影响。同时,探索出产、学、研三结合的发展模式,在理论研究和工程应用的互动中指导建筑实践,检验和深化该理论体系。 Architectural theory: long been engaged in architectural design and teaching, scientific research, formed the architectural theoretical framework of “two views and three- features”; guided by “holistic view”, focus on the research of the relationship between buildings and the surrounding urban environment, nature environment; guided by “sustainable development view”, focus on green building design and technology application; focus on the research of the relationship between building and specific geographical environment under the guidance of “the characteristic of region”; guided by “the characteristic of culture”, focus on the building inheritance issue and focus on the influence of modern building materials and building technology on building design under the guidance of “the characteristic of times”. At the same time, explore the development mode of combined production, learning and research to guide building practice in the interaction between the oretical research and engineering application to inspect and deepen the theoretical system. 个性化点评:美国哈佛大学建筑系主任斯科特·科恩评价:何院士“是中国为数不多的建筑师中的一个,既完成了多样性建筑实践又通过理论分析来阐述实践, 这种方式才能真正地在与西方交流过程中产生共鸣”,他的“作品微妙而复杂,空间移动在限制与大胆之间穿梭,并没有刻板单一的设计模式”。 意大利著名建筑评论家卡萨帝(Cesare Maria Casat)认为“上海世博会中国馆是中国建筑设计的一个分水岭、开创了中国建筑设计的一个新时代”,“中国馆的设计恰恰是当代中国建筑设计的一个很好转折点,是当代中国建筑的新语言”,“代表中国建筑的未来”。 Individuation comment: Scott Cohen, Chair and Gerald M. McCue Professor of Architecture Harvard university commented“you are one of the few Chinese architects who has accomplished the diversity of projects and writing that can establish the basis for a genuine exchange of ideas with the west.”“Your work subtle and complex, moving between restraint and boldness, without a preferred style. ” Cesare Maria Casat, a famous Italian architectural critic commented “Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion is a watershed in Chinese architectural design, and opens a new era of China Architecture Design”, “the design of China Pavilion is a good turning point of contemporary Chinese architecture, is a new language of contemporary Chinese architecture”, “represents the future of Chinese architecture”.
代表作品介绍: 2010年上海世博会中国馆 China Pavilion, Expo 2010 Shanghai, China 建设地点:中国上海 业主单位:上海世博事务协调局 用地面积:65200平方米 总建筑面积:160000平方米 设计时间/竣工时间:2007/2010 设计单位:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院 北京清华安地建筑设计顾问公司 上海建筑设计研究院有限公司 主创人员:何镜堂、张利、倪阳、袁建平、何小欣、张振辉等 Location: Shanghai Owner: Bureau of the Shanghai World Expo Coordination Design Time/Completion Time: 2007/2010 Site Area: 65,200 m2 Building Area: 72,480 m2 Design Team: Architecture Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology Beijing-Tsinghua Andi Architectural Design and Consultants, Ltd. Shanghai Institute of Architectural Design and Research Co., Ltd. Architects: He Jingtang ,Zhang Li, Ni Yang, Yuan Jianping, He Xiaoxin, Zhang Zhenhui, etc. 设计亮点:中国馆的创作构思体现了“东方之冠、鼎盛中华;天下粮仓、富庶百姓”的创作理念。国家馆居中升起、层层出挑、庄严华美,形成凝聚中国元素、象征中国精神的主体造型——东方之冠。地区馆水平展开,汇聚人流,以基座平台的舒展形象衬托国家馆,展现出属于城市、面向世界的中国大舞台形象。 The creation of China Pavilion embodies the design concept of "the oriental crown, the splendid China; the world granary, the affluent people". The national hall is the key part of “the Oriental Crown” which embodies Chinese elements and symbolizes Chinese spirits. It is located in the middle, elegant and magnificent. The regional halls spread horizontally, warmly receiving people from all over the world. They form a base platform and serve as a foil of the national hall, displaying the image of the Chinese stage which belongs to the city and embraces the whole world.
侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程 The Expansion Project of Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders 建设地点:中国南京 业主单位:侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆 用地面积:74000平方米 总建筑面积:20000平方米 设计时间/竣工时间:2005/2007 设计单位:华南理工大学建筑设计研究院 主创人员:何镜堂、倪阳、刘宇波、何小欣、林毅、姜帆等 Location: Nanjing,China Owner: Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders Design Time/Completion Time: 2005/2007 Site Area: 74,000 m2 Building Area: 20,000 m2 Design Team: Architecture Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology Architects: He Jingtang , Ni Yang, Liu Yubo, He Xiaoxin, Lin Yi, Jiang Fan, etc. 设计亮点:突出遗址主题,尊重原有建筑,塑造整体氛围,以战争、杀戮、和平三个概念组成总体构思,由东向西顺序展开,相对应塑造了“断刀”、“死亡之庭”、“铸剑为犁”三个空间意境,形成完整空间序列。 This design highlights the theme of this site on the base of the respects for original architecture, to create a whole atmosphere. The overall concept is the combination of the three concepts—war, slaughter and peace, in order from east to west, which correspond to the three space mood—"Broken Sword", "Death Chamber", and "Swords into Plowshares", thus forms integrated space sequence.
何镜堂 硕士研究生,华南理工大学,建筑学院院长兼建筑设计研究院院长、总建筑师、教授、博士生导师,中国工程院院士,中国工程设计大师 He Jingtang Master degree, South China University of Technology, Dean of Architecture School, Director of Architectural Design and Research Institute, professor, Ph.D. supervisor, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, China Engineering Design Master
何镜堂He Jingtang 男,生于1938年4月2日,中国工程院院士、中国工程设计大师,华南理工大学建筑学院院长兼建筑设计研究院院长、总建筑师、教授、博士生导师,国家特许一级注册建筑师。 Male, born on April 2, 1938, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, master of Chinese engineering design, dean of the School of Architecture and Architectural Design and Research Institute, South China University of Technology and, Chief Architect, professor, Ph.D. supervisor, national class 1 registered architect. 获得首届梁思成建筑奖、中国工程院光华工程科技奖、广东省科学技术突出贡献奖、中国勘察设计协会国庆60周年“十佳具有行业影响力人物”大奖、中国国际设计艺术博览会国际设计艺术终身成就奖、全国先进工作者、全国模范教师、广东省劳动模范、南粤杰出劳模、中华文化人物奖、广东十大创新人物等荣誉称号和奖项。 创造性地提出以“两观三性”为核心的建筑理论体系,在其指导下完成了上海世博会中国馆、侵华日军南京大屠杀遇难同胞纪念馆扩建工程、西汉南越王墓博物馆、天津博物馆、钱学森纪念馆、映秀震中纪念馆、北京奥运会摔跤馆等一批具有国际影响的国家级标志建筑,以及澳门大学、浙江大学、广州大学城校区组团二、武汉大学、重庆大学、国防科技大学、上海大学等近两百个大学校园(区)的规划设计工作。其建筑作品先后获得三项国家金奖、四项国家银奖、四项国家铜奖、省部级以上奖项近200项,在中国建筑学会建国60周年建筑创作大奖有13项作品获奖。 He won the awards and honorary titles including the first Liang Sicheng Architecture Award, Guanghua Engineering Science and Technology Award of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Science and Technology Outstanding Contribution Award of Guangdong Province, “Top Ten Industry Influential People” in the 60th Anniversary of China Survey and Design Association, “China International Design Art Fair International Design Lifetime Achievement Award”, “National Advanced Worker”, “National Model Teacher”, “Guangdong Province Model Worker”, “Southern Guangdong Outstanding Model Worker”, Chinese Culture People Award,Guangdong Top Ten Innovative People, etc. He inventively advanced a new theory of architectural design with “Two Views and Three Characteristics” as its core, and under the instruction of this theory, numerous national landmarks were built, include 2010 Shanghai World Expo China Pavilion, expansion project for Memorial Hall of the Victims in Nanjing Massacre by Japanese Invaders, Museum of Nanyue King Tomb of the Western Han Dynasty, Tianjin Museum, Qian Xuesen Memorial Hall, Yingxiu Epicenter Memorial Hall, Wrestling Hall of the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, Shaw Building of Humanities in South China University of Technology ,Chuangchun Martyrs Cemetery, Old City Reconstruction Project (Phase One)of Guangzhou Yuexiu District Middle Jiefang Road, Taizhou Folk Culture Exhibition Center, Zijingang Campus of Zhejiang University, Nanhai College of South China Normal University, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou University City Guangdong College of Pharmacy in Guangzhou University City, Huxi Campus of Chongqing University, Huaxi Campus of Chongqing Institute of Technology, University of Macau, the West Tower of Zhujiang New Town. His architecture works have won three national gold awards, four national silver awards, four national bronze awards, near 200 provincial and ministerial awards; 13 works won the award in the 60th Anniversary of the Architectural Society of China Architectural Creation. |