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2014-2-12 15:31| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 3553| 评论: 0

摘要: 2、基本信息 戴志中,男 出生日期:1948年12月5日 工作单位:重庆大学建筑城规学院/重庆大学建筑设计研究院 职务职称:教授/博士研究生导师/总建筑师 职业注册情况:一级注册建筑师 2 Dai Zhizhong, Male, Birthdat ...







2  Dai Zhizhong, Male,

Birthdate: 5,Dec,1948

Working Unit:

Professor and Doctoral Tutor,The faculty of Architecture & Urban Planning, Chongqing University

Chief Architect, The Institute of Architecture Design & Research, Chongqing University

National first-class registered architects


3  experience of education and work

3.1教育背景:1982年1月重庆建筑工程学院建筑系建筑学专业本科毕业, 1986年7月重庆建筑工程学院建筑系硕士研究生毕业。


3.3工作简历:1969年4月上山下乡,1971年12月起在建筑公司担任施工技术员。1978年02月进入重庆建筑工程学院建筑系建筑学专业学习, 1982年1月毕业后留校任教至今。

Education Background:

Graduated Jan.1982 from the undergraduate course, Chongqing Institute of Architecture & Engineering, gain Bachelor of Engineering.

Graduated July 1986 from the postgraduate course, Chongqing Institute of Architecture & Engineering, gain Master of Engineering.

Work Career:  

Workng in countryside as an Educated Youth, from April 1969;

 Working in Construction Company as a technician, from Dec.1972;

 Studying on Architecture in Chongqing Institute of Architecture & Engineering, from Feb. 1978

 Working as a teacher in Chongqing Institute of Architecture & Engineering / Chongqing University, from Feb. 1982

3.4主要作品名单:Master Works


Chongqing Wu-Jiao-Hua Trade Building, 1991


Chongqing “Jinxiu Mountain Villa” Neighborhood, 1993


The Yifu Science & Technology Building for Wanzhou Second Middle School, Chongqing, 2001


The Complex Building of Chongqing First-aid Center, Chongqing, 2005


The Teaching Complex Building of Chongqing Medical University, 2006


The Chongqing Nature Museum, 2007


The Chongqing Shiqiaopu Funeral Parlour,2008


The Christ Church in Central Park, Jiangbei, Chongiqng, 2010


The Funeral Parlour, Changshou, Chongqing, 2011


The Waterfront Service Facility, Jiangbei, Chongqing, 2011


The Folk customs street, Jiangbei, Chongqing, 2012


The Fire Station of Jiangnan New District, Wanzhou, Chongqing, 2012

3.5获得的奖励或荣誉:Reward & Honour


 Title of Excellent Expert with Outstanding Contributions, Sichuan Province, 1996


  Title of Academic & technique Foregoer, Chongqing, 2002,2008


 SpecialGovernmentAllowance of theStateCouncil, 2002


  The Master of Engineering Design, The Chongqing Municipal Government, 2010


  The Second Prize of Nature Science, MinistryofEducation, 2010


Awards of projects



 The Planning & design for Wanxian “Beian Garden affordable housing” won the Honorable Mention of the Ministry of Construction,1996


 The “Jinxiu Mountain Villa” Neighborhood won the first-class prize of Chongqing Excellent Engineering Design,1996


The YIfu Library for Chongqing First Middle School won the Honorable Mention of Yifu foundation and second-class prize of Chongqing Excellent Engineering Design,1996


 The Mingshan Science & Technology Building won the first-class prize of Chongqing Excellent Engineering Design, 2003


 The Yifu Science & Technology Building for Wanzhou Second Middle School won the second-class prize of Excellent Engineering Design of the Ministry of Education,2003

⑹ 2005年西南医院外科大楼获教育部优秀建筑设计三等奖

 The surgical Building for Xinan Hospital won the third-class prize of Excellent Engineering Design of the Ministry of Education,2005


 The Library for Luzhou Medical College won the third-class prize of Excellent Engineering Design of China Exploration & Design Association, 2010


The Christ Church in Central Park, Jiangbei, Chongiqng won the first-class prize of Chongqing Excellent Engineering Design, 2010


 The Overall Urban Design for the New County Town of Panshan, liaoning Prvince won the first-class prize of Chongqing Planning Association, 2010


Personal Design Theory $ Understand


   Respecting and understanding the natural space environment of mountain region


The natural environment has endlesscreative power,. It has made the dark skin ancestor from Africa the modern races with different skin colour, It is also the motive power which brought up fruitful regional architecture culture all over the world.


We has trained those architects with self-confident to make their works more prominent, but often ignore the modest and cautious in some specificsituation. In mountain region, the building and landscape mixed together as the specificity of nature environment. The first goal of architecture creation is making the whole urban image and space with dynamicintegration of building and environment. So It should be the important responsibility and obligation for mountainous architects to respect and understand the natural environment of mountain region. Those architects have to firstly recognize the nature and speciality of the natural environment in mountain region.


As existing those mountains and rivers, the nature space of mountain region

presents the features of complexity, seal, winding, chopping, narrow. To build urban space through architecture creation in such complicatedthree-dimensional natural environment, certainly the architects should pursue the urban space with the features of concise, open,direct,continuation, wide. This is a special thinking called ‘act in a exact opposite way’ which affects the design idea of mountainous architecture tremendously.


In other side, same as those existed mountains and rivers, the nature space of mountain region also presents those features of multi-viewpoint, multi-frames,multi-factor and multi-form which provide to those mountainous architects with more questions and more viewpoints that worth thinking about. The mountainous architects have to highly think about those features of natural space when building urban space through architecture creation. This time, the design idea of ‘act along the exact same way’ will also affect the mountainous architecture tremendously.


  Build the artisticconception of mountainous architecture in practice


‘artisticconception’ is the highest standard to measure art works since ancienttimes. The mountain and water are the important factors in Chinese traditional poem, painting and literature to build artistic conception. The ‘artisticconception’ should also the highest goal to pursue for those mountainous architects when creating in real landscape environment.


Situation in harmony, false or true complement are the way to create ‘artisticconception’, that would make people feel the image behind what they see andsublime their emotional experience. The mountainous architects should respect the nature and deal with the relationship between building and environment organically. The experience could be summarized in three aspects as below:


In the macro level, the harmony of figure-ground relationship among building and landscape is most important. The big landscape should be the background of small building. Firstly the architects should  analyse the environment in high coverage and Large depth and often have to reform the landscape with the rule of ‘Contrast Coordination’.


In the exosystem level, there should be a coordinate relationship as the building and its site landscape permeate each other. Architects should understand the feature of building and site, and design with the rule of ‘Organic Integration’.


In the micro level, single building and its group should have the relationship of self-similarity. To realize the ‘artisticconception’, the buildings should follow the rule of ‘unity and variety’ in formallogic and contextural Logic.


  Five Men, 睿智、犀利、工作狂老师,孜孜以求,“5+1”多的建筑羽客,齐天大圣。



重庆江北嘴中央公园基督教堂 The Christ ChurchCerter ParkJiangbei, Chongqing






   Design: The Institute of Architecture Design and Research, Chongqing University


  Architecture DesignerDai Zhizhong, Chu Dongzhu, Liu Yanjun, Dai Lei


The newfangled building from is not the only goal of architecture creation. In order to the citizen realize easily, this church was designed with the style of typicalEuropean Classic building.


This church was located in the center of a small park, which separates the park space and can be viewed from all direction. The special surrounding provided the architect the creation inspiration – making the building as small as possible and reducing the feeling of separated park space.  


   All miscellaneous function was located in the lower part of the hillside church which is about two thirds the total floor area. The main hall of the church has a triangle plan that separating the outside  park space into three parts. Comparing to those regular churches with rectangle plan, the people can see and feel more environment. From other side, the importance of the mall church was emphasized as its centrosymmetry plan. the church has the qualification to dialogue with surrounding large building and become the landmark of the park.





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