2、基本信息 Basic information
姓名:董明 Dong Ming 性别:男 Male 出生日期:1963.1.22 工作单位:贵州省建筑设计研究院 Guizhou Provincial Architectural Design & Research Institute 职务职称:教授级高级工程师、总建筑师 Professor_ grade Senior Architect / Chief Architect 中国建筑学会 理事 Director of ASC 执业注册情况:1999.12.28获得中华人民共和国一级注册建筑师,证书编号:005200140 IRA_PRC 3、教育和工作经历 Education & Work Experience 教育背景 Educational Background 1979年9月——1983年9月,重庆建筑工程学院 大学本科 学士 Bachelor Of Architecture Departmemt Of Chongqin Architecture and Civil Engineering University 获得的最高学位 1986年7月——1989年7月,重庆建筑工程学院 研究生硕士 Master Of Architecture Departmemt Of Chongqin Architecture and Civil Engineering University 工作简历 1989年7月——1993年1月,贵州工学院 讲师 Lecture in Guizhou Engineering University 1993年1月——2000年1月,贵州中天(集团)股份有限公司 总工程师 中天建筑设计院 院长 General Engineer & Headmaster Of Guizhou Zhongtian Enterprise Joint Stock Co.Ltd. 2010年——至今 贵州省建筑设计研究院 总建筑师 Chief Architect in Guizhou Provincial Architectural Design & Research Institute 主要作品名单:Main Works: 主持设计中天花园、新理想华庭、花溪迎宾馆会议中心、开磷集团总部大厦、贵阳市科技馆、贵州省高速公路联网收费机监控中心、贵州龙洞堡国际机场航站楼扩建工程等项目。 His main works include “Zhongtian Garden”, “New Vista”, “Conference Center Of Huaxi Yingbin Hotel”, Kailin Group Headquarters Building”, “Science and Technology Museum in Guiyang City”, “Guizhou Province Monitoring Center Of Highway Interconnection Toll Collector”, “Extension Project Of the Terminal Building Of Guizhou Longdongbao International Airport”. 获得的奖励及荣誉 Rewards & Honors: 1982年,“建筑师之家”荣获“第一届全国大学生建筑设计方案竞赛”三等奖 Got the Third Prize in the First National Architectural Design Competition for College Students 1984年,荣获“全国中小型体育馆设计竞赛”三等奖 Got the Third Prize in the National Medium or Small_ sized Stadium Competition 1987年,荣获贵州省“七五”城镇住宅设计竞赛 二等奖 Got the Second Prize for the Cities and Towns of residence in Guizhou Province 1994年, “贵阳市茶店居住区规划” 荣获贵州省第八次优秀规划设计 一等奖 Got the First Prize in the Guizhou Eighth Outstanding Planning Design 1998年,荣获“贵州省‘九五’住宅设计方案竞赛”三等奖 Got the Third Prize in the Residence Competition Design 1998年,荣获建设部“迈向二十一世纪的中国住宅”表扬奖 Got the Praise Reward for residence Of Construction Ministry 1999年,“新理想华庭”荣获“99广州十大明星楼盘”最佳外观设计奖 “New Ideal Vista” got the Best Outside Prize 2000年,“中天花园”荣获“贵州省第八次优秀规划设计”一等奖 “Zhongtian Garden” got the First Prize for the Outstanding Planning Design in Guizhou Province 2001年,“贵阳市中天花园”荣获建设部城市住宅小区建设试点 优秀小区奖 “Zhongtian Garden” got the dwelling prize for experimental unit of Construction Ministry 2001年,荣获“楚雄彝族现代建筑特色方案设计”三等奖 Got the Third Prize in the ChuXiong Yi Nationality Of Modern Characteristic Design 2005年,“贵州省农村住宅图集”荣获“贵州省第七次优秀规划设计”三等奖 Got the Third Prize Of Country Residence Volume in the seventh Outstanding Planning Design in Guizhou Province 2006年 “贵州花溪迎宾馆”,荣获贵州省第十四届优秀工程勘察设计一等奖。 Huaxi Yingbin Hotel got the First Prize for the fourteenth session excellent Construction Prospecting Design 2008年, “贵州花溪迎宾馆”,荣获建设部2006年度全国优秀工程设计 铜奖 Huaxi Yingbin Hotel got the National Bronze Medal 2011年,“青少年活动中心”荣获“贵州省土木建筑工程科技创新奖 三等奖 Center for Youth got the Third Prize in Guizhou innovation civil engineering 4、个人建筑理论、设计创新、创作心得等 在建筑设计方面,董明主张追求建筑作品的原创性,不断研究、实践和探索。先后发表了《贵州省花溪分区概念规划初探》、《关于贵州城镇化的认识和思考》、《继承与发展---毕节市新行政办公中心设计》等10余篇专业论文和研究报告,并主编出版《美好家园—大型住宅小区环境景观设计》、《贵州乡土建筑》、《千年家园—贵州山寨住文化》。 In architectural design, Dong Ming encourages the pursuit of originality of architectural works, and study ,practice and exploration. He published Preliminary Exploration of the Concept Plan of Huaxi District in Guizhou Province. On the understanding and consideration of Guizhou Urbanization. Inheritance and Development_ the Design of the New Administration Office Center in Bijie City and more than 10 professional papers and research reports, and compiled Beautiful Homeland _ Landscape Design of large Scale Residential Units, Vemacular Architecture in Guizhou Province, Millennium Home_ Guizhou Cottage Living Culture. 他始终相信“一个建筑的产生,是两种力量的冲突、碰撞、消弭的结果。一种是内力(主观因素—建筑师的功力),另一种是外力(客观因素—包括场所、艺术与技术、业主的意象等),其中内力是最重要的。设计成功靠的是设计人员的调查与研究,实践经验、知识水平、正确的判断力和丰富的想象力。” He always believes that “the production of a building comes from the conflict of two forces. One is the internal force(the subjective factor _the architect’s personal quality),the other is external force(the objective factor_ including sites, art and technology, and the client’s intension etc), and the internal force is the most important. A successful design is relied on designer’s survey, research, practical experience, knowledge, correct judgment and imagination. 5、个性化点评 Individual Comments 根植于大山里的当代建筑师 Contemporary architect roots the mountain area 6、代表作品介绍 Works Introduction 项目名称: a、贵阳龙洞堡国际机场扩建工程 Expansion of Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport(co_ design with Beijing Civil Aviation Institute) 建设地点:贵阳市龙洞堡 Construction Site: Longdongbao in Guiyang City 业主单位:贵阳龙洞堡国际机场扩建工程指挥部 Owner’s unit: Engineering Headquarters Of Expansion of Guiyang Longdongbao International Airport 用地面积:26万平方米 Area:260,000 square meter 总建筑面积:11万平方米 Overall Floorage: 110,000 square meter 设计时间:2009.7 Design Date: 2009.7 竣工时间:2012.12 Completion Date: 2012.12 设计单位:贵州省建筑设计研究院 Employer: Guizhou Provincial Architectural Design & Research Institute 合作单位:北京民航院 Partner: Beijing Civil Aviation Institute 主创人员:董明 Major Creator: Dong Ming 合作建筑师:万昊 Cooperative Architect : Wan Hao 经济技术指标:旅客吞吐量1550万、货邮22万吨、起降14.63万架次、新建停机位25个、停车场(楼)10.5万平方米、及其他配套设施。 Economy & Technology index:Planning and design according to the throughput of 15,5000,000 passenger, cargo volume of 220,000 metric tons, arrival or departure of 146,300 flight. The project mainly consists of a new airport terminal with the area of 110,000 square meter, a station site expanded by 260,000 square meter, 25 new aircraft parking stands, a parking lot of 105,000 square meter and other supporting facilities. 设计理念:Design Concept: 整体性、综合性—航空港设计新理念 地域性—传递“多彩贵州”和“林城贵阳”的可识别性 时代性—高技派绿色建筑 生长性—单元线性的生长模式 Integrity, Comprehensiveness_ New Design Concept For Airport Local Features_ Identification Marks for “Colorful Guizhou” and “Forest City of Guiyang” Modernity_ High_ tech Green Architecture Growth_ Unit Linear Growth Mode b、贵州花溪迎宾馆工程 ● 环境生态特色:体现尊重环境的设计理念; ● 依山就势特色:体现山地建筑的个性特色。 ● 地域文化特色:体现地域文化和时代精神兼容的建筑风格。 ● 绿色建筑技术特色:设计采用绿色建筑技术和材料。 ● 营造“花”与“溪”的景观意境;设计借景于自然,融入与环境。 ● 空调系统耗电量指标27.6W/㎡,在目前建筑设计领域内属领先水平。 获奖情况 国家铜质奖、全国建筑创作大奖、省优秀设计一等奖。 b、Huaxi Yingbin Hotel Project ● Environmental and ecological features: give expression to the concept of protecting the environment. ● Make sure of the natural conditions: give expression to the individual characteristics of mountain buildings. ● Regional culture features: architectural style of combining the regional culture and the spirit of the times. ● Green architectural techniques: adoption of green architectural technology and materials. ● Create the poetic image of “flowers” and “brooks”, borrowing scenery from the nature to integrate with the environment. ● The power consumption index for air_ conditioning system is 27.6w square meter, being in the lead in current architectural design field. Awards: National Bronze Medal; Award for National Architecture Creation; First Prize for Excellent Design of Guizhou Province. |