2、基本信息:Basic information 姓名:胡东祥 Name: Dongxiang Hu 性别:男 Gender:male 出生日期:1965年10月 Date of birth: October 1965 工作单位:青海省建筑勘察设计研究院有限公司 Company: Qinghai Architectural Design Research Institute Co., Ltd(QADRI) 职务职称:总建筑师 高级建筑师 Post & title: Chief architect,senior architect 执业注册情况:国家一级注册建筑师 Professional qualification: first grade certified architects and certified structural engineer 3、教育和工作经历:Education and work experience: 教育背景:1982年-1986年 长安大学建筑系建筑学专业毕业(原西北建筑工程学院) Education background: 1982—1986, graduate from Department of Architecture, Chang'an University, with a degree in Architecture.
获得的最高学位:学士学位 Degree: Bachelor
工作简历:1986年至今在青海省筑勘察设计研究院工作,青海省土木建筑学会建筑设计分会主任委员,中国建筑学会资深会员。 Resume: From 1986, Qinghai Architectural Design Research Institute Co., Ltd, chairman of Architectural Design Branch of Civil Engineering Institute of Qinghai Province, Senior member of Architectural Society of China.
主要作品名单:The main works list : 1、 青海省会议中心 青海省优秀设计一等奖 The conference center of Qinghai province, first prize of Excellent Design of Qinghai Province.
2、 小岛援助青海文化教育发展基地语言研修中心 青海省优秀设计一等奖 Language training center of Kojima Suke Qinghai cultural education development base, first prize of Excellent Design of Qinghai Province.
3、 西宁经济技术开发区(国家级)管委会大楼 青海省优秀设计一等奖 The executive committee building of Xining Economic and Technological Development Zone, first prize of Excellent Design of Qinghai Province.
4、 青海电信公司办公大楼 青海省优秀设计二等奖 The office building of Qinghai telecommunication company, second prize of Excellent Design of Qinghai Province.
5、 青海民族大学体育馆 青海省优秀设计二等奖 The gymnasium building of Qinghai University of Nationalities, second prize of Excellent Design of Qinghai Province.
6、 西宁曹家堡机场二期扩建工程航站楼T2 Xining Caojiabao Airport Expansion Phase II Terminal T2
7、 青海省高级人民法院审判办公楼 The judicial office building of the high court of Qinghai Province
8、 青海建设科技大厦 Qinghai construction science and Technology Building
获得的奖励或荣誉:Awards & honors: 2008年青海省优秀专家;The 2008 outstanding experts in Qinghai Province 2009年获新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选。The 2009 national candidate for the New Century Millions of Talents Project 4、个人建筑理论、设计创新、创作心得: Individual architectural theory, design innovation, creation experience: 随着我国改革开发的事业的不断深入,社会经济文化科学技术发展迅速,城市建设日新月异,建设事业蓬勃发展。给当代参与城市建设的建筑师提供了前所未有施展才华的机遇,同时也是一种挑战。面对多元文化的交织,信息化水平提高,思想意识全球化趋势,建筑作为物质与精神,技术与艺术的综合反映,创造满足当代人需求的内外空间形式是我们追求的根本,建筑设计创作原则适用、经济、美观仍然是我们要坚持的最基本的创作方向。在这一原则的指导下,在过去相当长的历史阶段,涌现了许多优秀的建筑作品。面对社会的不断发展,各种建筑思潮及文化的涌现,适用、经济、经济、美观这一建筑设计创作原则,其内涵应进一步延伸和丰富。古今中外建筑形式的发展无不反映当时的经济社会发展状况和文化价值取向,在我国建设事业发展时期,建筑应满足现代人的空间要求,积极采用成熟的新材料、新技术,倡导建筑可持续发展的理念,反映建筑的地域性,传承建筑的文化性,创造满足时代要求的城市空间和具有美好形象适宜的建筑。
With the development of reform, the economy culture science and technology develops rapidly, city construction has been changing with each passing day,construction undertaking is having a great boom. It provides an opportunity for gaving full play to the architect 's talent, as well as a challenge. In the face of the multicultural interweave, improvement of informatization and ideological trend of Globalization, construction reflects substance and spirit, technology and art comprehensively. The fundamental pursuit is creating the internal and external space form to meet the contemporary need. It is the basical priciple that architectural design and creation must be applicable, economic and aesthetic. Under this principle, there have emerged many outstanding works of architecture in quite long in the past period. With the continuous development of society and the emergence of various architectural thoughts and culture, this principle should be extend and rich further. At all times and in all countries, the trend of architectural form reflects the economics and culture of the age. During the development period, construction should meet the space requirements of modern man, use mature new material and technology, advocate the idea of sustainable development in architecture, embody the regional and culture, create architecture which meet the modern need of urban space, good image and suitability. 5、个人化点评:personal Comment 胡东祥同志作为一名职业建筑师,具有深厚的理论知识,丰富的实践经验,坚持不懈的创新和建筑创作能力,从业二十几个年头一直在建筑设计一线工作,为繁荣本地区的建筑创作,提高建筑设计水平,使地区建筑设计紧跟时代潮流发挥了重要作用,特别是能够运用绿色建筑,节能建筑、可持续发展建筑的理念指导本地区的建筑设计工作,在当今建筑设计需求多元化的趋势下,认真履行职业建筑师的职责,恪守职业道德、模范的执行和落实国家和本地区的改革、法规,所创作和设计的建筑达到了全国同行业的先进水平,产生了较好社会效益、环境效益,多个项目获得省级优秀设计一、二等奖。由于工作成绩突出先后被青海省人民政府授予“青海省优秀专业技术人才”,“青海省优秀专家”等荣誉称号,并被国家劳动人事与社会保障部授予新世纪“百千万人才工程”国家级人选,是我省乃至国家认可的优秀专业技术人员。 青海省建筑勘察设计研究院有限公司 院长 王力明 As a professional architect, Dongxiang Hu has a profound theoretical knowledge, rich experience, unremittingly innovative ability and architectural creation ability. He has worked at architectural design line more than twenty years. And play an important role in booming the region's architectural creation, improving the level of architectural design, promoting the regional architecture design following the trend of the times closely. In particular, he guiding the regional architectural design work under the idea of green building, building energy saving, sustainable development architecture. In today's architecture design needs of the trend of diversification, Mr. Hu earnestly performs the architect occupation duties, strictly abides by the occupation moral, actively implement national and regional policy. The designed buildings reach the advanced level in the same industry, make better social benefits and environmental benefits. Many building projects gain first or second prize in provincial excellent design prize. In view of his excellent performance, Mr. Hu has been awarded the outstanding professional and technical personnel in Qinghai Province,the the outstanding experts in Qinghai Province, ets by the people's Government of Qinghai Province. And the national candidate for the New Century Millions of Talents Project by National labor and social security department. He is the outstanding professional and technical personnel by provincial and even national certification. Qinghai Architectural Design Research Institute Co., Ltd President Liming Wang |