2. 基本信息: 姓名:胡绍学 HuShaoXue 性别:男 male 出生日期:1936年6月14日 Born in 14th/June/1936 工作单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院有限公司 Architectural Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University CO., LTD 职务职称:顾问总建筑师、教授 consultants chief architect, professor 执业注册情况:中华人民共和国特许一级注册建筑师 A registered Architect of PRC
3. 教育和工作经历 教育背景:1959年8月清华大学建筑系毕业,取得学士学位。 Graduated from Department of Architecture of Tsinghua University , Aug/1959, bachelor's degree. 1989年和1993年分别在英国牛津理工大学和美国哈佛大学进修。 As a Senior Visiting Scholar study in University of Oxford Poly , UK, 1989 As a Senior Visiting Scholar study in Harvard University, USA, 1993 工作简历:1959年8月~至今在清华大学建筑学院和清华大学建筑设计研究院工作, 曾分别担任过两院的院长和总建筑师。 From 1959.8 up to now working in School of Architecture Tsinghua University and Architecture Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University , Respectively as the Dean of these two work unit in the period of 1989~2001
主要设计作品:清华大学设计中心楼、 Office Building of Architecture Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University 清华大学经管学院伟伦楼、 Teaching Building of School of Economics and Management , Tsinghua University 清华大学技术科学楼、 Teaching Building of Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 清华大学法学院、 Teaching Building of School of Law, Tsinghua University 武钢钢铁博物馆、 Museum of Wuhan Iron & Steel Company 武钢体育中心、 Sports Center of Wuhan Iron & Steel Company 国家大剧院实施方案(与法国合作) Final Plan of National Center for the Performing Arts (cooperated with French Architects) 台州博物馆、 Museum of Taizhou, Zhejiang Province 烟台市国宾馆、 Dongshan Hotel of Yantai, Shandong Province 烟台张裕酒文化博物馆、 Wine Museum of ZhangYu company, Yantai, Shandong Province 北京华北大酒店等 Huabei Hotel , Beijing 获得奖励及荣誉:曾获得建国60周年建筑创作大奖3项 Grand Prize of Chinese Architectural Association in Celebration of the 60th Year Birthday of P.R.C 国家级金奖1项 Golden prize of the national architectural design award 国家级银奖1项 Silver prize of the national architectural design award 省部级一等奖及二等奖14项 1st and 2nd prize of provincial or ministerial awards 2002年获亚洲建协荣誉奖 Honor award of Asian architects association, 2002 2000年被建设部授予中国工程设计大师称号 Engineering design master of China, 2000
4. 个人建筑理论及创新心得: 本人一直致力于“视觉艺术心理学”及绿色生态建筑设计的研究,并重视建筑创作理论与建筑设计实践的结合。发表学术论文数十篇、专著3本。 I dedicated to the study of Psychology of Visual Art and the design method of green ecological architecture, and I’m pay attention to the combination of the project practice with architectural creation theory . There are about 40s papers written by me have been published on the domestic academic journals, and 3 of my monographs have also been published.
5. 个性化点评:国内多家媒体对本人点评“爱思考,求创新”。 Media evaluation: diligent in thinking, pursuit of innovation.
6.代表作品介绍: (1)清华大学设计中心楼 项目简介:是我国最早的绿色生态办公楼的实例典范。追求运用生态理念及可适宜建造技术,创造节能、绿色、舒适健康的办公环境。曾获得国家级建筑设计金奖及建国60周年建筑创作大奖。 The first instance of office building using green ecological design means. It built a comfortable, healthy energy-saving office environment through several sets of design techniques and many common materials. It has received the golden prize of the national architectural design award in year 2000, and Grand Prize of Chinese Architectural Association in Celebration of the 60th Year Birthday of P.R.C. 项目名称:清华大学设计中心楼 Office Building of Architecture Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University 建设地点:北京市 Beijing 业主单位:清华大学 Tsinghua University 用地面积:1.4公顷 1.4ha 总建筑面积:7800平方米 7800 m2 设计时间:1997~1999 竣工时间:2000年9月 设计单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院 Architecture Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University 主创人员:胡绍学、宋海林、胡真、谢坚、姚红梅 Hushaoxue, Songhailin, Huzhen, Xiejian, Yaohongmei 经济技术指标: 容积率: 0.56, 建筑密度: 13.9%, 建筑层数: 4层, 建筑高度: 19.8米 设计楼图1:胡绍学设计楼设计理念手绘草图 Professor Hushaoxue's design sketch about the main idea 设计楼照片1:设计楼主入口,西侧防晒墙既节能,亦使建筑的西立面具有独特的标识性 the main entrance of the office building 设计楼照片2:绿色中庭,起热缓冲作用的同时,给室内带来绿色休息空间。 the atrium filled with many green plants (2)武钢钢铁博物馆 项目简介:运用非线性思维及超三维空间设计理念设计的国内第一座企业博物馆。曾获得全国优秀工程勘察设计项目建筑组公建类一等奖及建国60周年建筑创作大奖。 The first museum belongs to the domestic iron and steel enterprise. It designed by non-linear way of thinking and super 3D space design method. It has received the first prize of the architectural design award of the Ministry of Construction in year 2011, and Grand Prize of Chinese Architectural Association in Celebration of the 60th Year Birthday of P.R.C.
项目名称:武钢钢铁博物馆 Museum of Wuhan Iron & Steel Company 建设地点:湖北省武汉市 Wuhan, Hubei province 业主单位:武汉钢铁(集团)公司 Wuhan Iron & Steel Company 用地面积:9520平方米 9520 m2 总建筑面积:1.3万平方米 13000 m2 设计时间:2006~2007 竣工时间:2008年9月 Sept/2008 设计单位:清华大学建筑设计研究院 Architecture Design & Research Institute of Tsinghua University 主创人员:胡绍学、谢坚、肖礼斌、胡真、杜爽 Hushaoxue, Xiejian, Xiaolibin, Huzhen, Dushuang 经济技术指标: 容积率: 1.36, 建筑密度: 42%, 建筑层数: 3层, 建筑高度: 20.6米 武钢博物馆照片1:武钢博物馆鸟瞰 a high view of this project 武钢博物馆照片2:武钢博物馆主入口,建筑外部形态体现了非线性的思维方式 the main entrance of this project 武钢博物馆照片3:博物馆室内,追求超三维空间感受是室内设计突破点 interior view |