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2014-2-11 14:18| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 4985| 评论: 0

摘要: 基本信息: Basic Information: 马震聪,男,1965年7月生,现任广州市设计院副院长、总建筑师,并任教授级高级建筑师和国家一级注册建筑师、施工企业高级职业经理人MA ZHENCONG: male, born in July, 1965. MA ZHENCO ...


Basic Information:

马震聪,男,1965年7月生,现任广州市设计院副院长、总建筑师,并任教授级高级建筑师和国家一级注册建筑师、施工企业高级职业经理人MA ZHENCONG: male, born in July, 1965. MA ZHENCONG is currently the vice president and chief architect of GZDI, and holds the post of senior architect at professor level, first-class registered architect, senior professional manager of construction enterprise.




Educational Background and Work:

MA ZHENCONG graduated from South China College of Engineering and majored in Architecture in 1986, and received the Bachelor’s Degree, and worked in GZDI.

MA ZHENCONG holds concurrent posts of senior member of Architectural Society of China, directors of 12th board of directors of Architectural Society of China, executive director of Guangdong Society of Civil Engineers, the director of Guangdong Advanced Technology Association, director of Registered Architects Association of Guangdong Province, director of Committee of Guangdong Energy Conservation Association, executive director of Guangdong Advanced Technology Association, and director of Guangzhou Fire Protection Association, and the teacher of graduate majored in engineering of Guangzhou University.


Representative Works

²        南海水城公寓项目:获获2011年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计二等奖;2011年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖二等奖

²        Nanhai Watertown Apartment Project: won the Second Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2011, the Second Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2011.

²        保利商业水城东岸项目:获获2011年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计二等奖;2011年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖二等奖

²        Poly Commercial Water City East Coast Project: won the Second Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2011, the Second Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2011.

²        广州新白云国际机场旅客过夜用房(诺福特白云机场大酒店)项目: 获2009年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计一等奖;2009年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖二等奖

²        Overnight Building Project (Novotel Baiyun Airport Guangzhou) in Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport: won the Second Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2009, the Second Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2009.

²        琶洲保利国际广场项目:获2009年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计二等奖、2009年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖三等奖

²        Pazhou Poly International Plaza Project: won the Second Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2009, the Third Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2009.

²        天河正佳广场项目:2007年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计一等奖、2008年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖三等奖

²        Tianhe Zhengjia Plaza Project: won the First Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2007, the Third Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2008.

²        湖南省政府机关院办公区项目:获2005年度广东省优秀工程勘察设计一等奖、2006年度全国优秀工程勘察设计行业奖三等奖

²        Administrative Area Project of Government Offices of Hunan Province: won the First Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2005, the Third Prize of Industry Awards of National Excellent Engineering Survey Design in 2009.

²        广州新白云国际机场南航基地南综合服务楼项目:获广东省优秀工程勘察设计二等奖

²        North Comprehensive Service Building Project of China Southern Airlines of Guangzhou New Baiyun International Airport: the project won the Second Prize of Guangzhou Excellent Engineering Survey Design

²        广州移动通讯枢纽楼项目:获广东省注册师协会优秀建筑创作奖

²        Guangzhou Mobile Communication Hub Building Project: the project won Excellent Architecture Creation Design issued by Guangzhou Architectural Registration Boards

²       广州新图书馆、广东珠江城等

²       Guangzhou New Library, Guangdong Zhujiang Town, etc.



²        2000年8月,被授予“广东省劳动模范称号”

²        Honored with Guangdong Model Worker in August, 2000

²        2008年6月列入“广州市优秀专家”管理

²        Titled into Management of Guangzhou Excellent Expert in June, 2008

²        2011年12月,被中国建筑学会评为“2005-2011年学会工作先进个人”

²        Honored with Advanced Individual of Architectural Society of China 2005-2011 by Architectural Society of China in December, 2011


Personal creation experience

“实用、经济、美观”是建筑设计永恒的三要素。”实用”应该是放在第一位的,建筑首先是给人用的,不同建筑有不同的功能和要求,就算是标志性建筑也要考虑功能的实用性。建筑是艺术与技术的结合体,“美观”并不是指某种夸张、特殊的造型,而是应该与实用、经济相结合,既体现功能也体现当下的技术水平。 “经济”在过去主要是指省钱,但随着环境和人们观念的变化,如今除了节约成本,还包括节地、节材、节水、节能等绿色环保内涵。

Practical, Economic and Nice are the constant factors in architectural design, Practical places in the first, because architecture is served to people, different architectures have different functions and requirements; the practicality of the function must be taken into an account and even the landmark architecture. Architecture is in combination of art and technology. Nice not means some exaggerated and special shapes, but the combination of appearance, practicability and economy, thus reflecting the functions as well as existing technical level. Economic means to save cost along in traditional idea, but along with the variation of environment and people’s concept, Economic also includes the green environmental protection such as land saving, material saving, water saving, and energy saving, etc.


Personalized Comments:


As the vice president of GZDI, MA ZHENCONG keeps a low profile and pragmatism in words and deeds, just like his works. His works are simple and outstanding, grand, steady, and innovative.----Guangdong Construction on September 10, 2010


Representative Works

²        珠江城

²        Guangdong Zhujiang Town


Location: Guangzhou Zhujiang New Town


Owner: Guangzhou Zhujiang Town Real Estate Co., Ltd.


Overall floorage: 21000㎡


Design in: 2006 to 2008


Completed in: 2012


The Project is a Super Class A office building in the new central business office district of Guangzhou. The office building is 309m high and has 71 floors on  the ground, along with building area of 210000㎡.



11 new green energy-saving technologies are used in the project as follows:

Double-layer curtain wall in connection with shading louver, daylight control & illumination sensing lights, radiation refrigerating and displacement ventilation, ventilation in demand, efficient lighting, efficient office equipment, no-flow and low-flow water saving equipment, wind-driven power generation, solar power generation, heat recovery, and recovery of condensed water of cooling coil.

²        广州新图书馆

²        Guangzhou New Library


Location: Guangzhou Zhujiang New Town


Owner: Guangzhou Bureau of Culture


Overall floorage: 98000㎡


Design in: 2005 to 2007


Completed in: May,2011


The project is located in Guangzhou Zhujiang New Town. the building is towards the new central axis of Guangzhou and has a layout from east to west, and forms the four new urban cultural facilities of Guangzhou together with Guangdong Museum, Guangzhou Opera House and Guangzhou No.2 Children Activity Center. The project has the gross building area of 98000㎡, and is 50m in length. After the partition on this image volume and mobile effects by natural forces such as gravity and friction, the unique, elegant style of “book” takes shape. Appearance is composed of randomly stacked natural stones, reminiscent of a casual accumulation of mountainous books, which forms the “beautiful books”.





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