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2014-1-24 12:50| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 803| 评论: 0

摘要: 摘要:整体地面主要是指混凝土地面、水泥砂浆地面、现浇水磨石地面和菱苦土地面等。这是一种应用较为广泛、具有传统做法的地面,其基层和垫层的做法相同,仅面层所用材料和施工方法有所区别。绝大部分工程的基层和垫 ...


Abstract: the whole ground is mainly refers to the concrete ground water, cement mortar ground and terrazzo ground and ling magnesia ground, etc. This is a kind of application is relatively wide, with the ground of tradition, the grassroots and cushion layer is the same, only different surface materials and construction methods. Most of the engineering of grass-roots and cushion in civil works completed, only in the decoration project carries on the surface of the construction. Because in the practical engineering application water cement mortar ground and terrazzo ground is more, so this article focuses on the two farming construction process below.   关键词:整体地面;水泥砂浆;施工;养护;质量 Key words: whole ground; Cement mortar; Construction; Maintenance; The quality   引言 The introduction   水泥砂浆地面面层是以水泥作胶凝材料,以砂作骨料,按配合比配制抹压而成。水泥砂浆地面的优点是造价较低、施工简便、使用耐久,但容易出现起灰、起砂、裂缝、空鼓等质量问题。 Cement mortar ground surface with cement as cementitious material, with sand as aggregate, according to mix with pressure. Cement mortar ground has the advantage of low cost, simple construction, durability, but it's easy to have a grey, sand, cracks, empty drums and other quality problems.   1 对组成材料的要求 1 requirements for component materials   1.1 胶凝材料 水泥砂浆(楼)地面所用的胶凝材料为水泥,应优先选择硅酸盐水泥、普通硅酸盐水泥,其强度等级一般不得低于32.5MPa。以上品种的水泥与其他品种水泥相比,具有早期强度高、水化热较高、干缩性较小等优点。如果采用矿渣硅酸盐水泥,其强度等级应大于32.5MPa,在施工中要严格按施工工艺操作,并且要加强养护,这样才能保证工程质量。 1.1 gelled material used in the cement mortar ground (floor) gelling material for cement, should give preference to Portland cement, ordinary Portland cement, the strength grade average is not less than 32.5 MPa. The above varieties compared with other varieties of cement, cement with high early strength, small dry shrinkage and higher hydration heat, etc. If using slag Portland cement, the strength grade should be greater than 32.5 MPa, strictly operate according to construction technology in construction, and to strengthen the maintenance, so as to ensure the engineering quality.   1.2 细骨料 水泥砂浆面层所用的细骨料为砂,一般多采用中砂和粗砂,含泥量不得大于3%(质量分数)。因为细砂的级配不好,拌制的砂浆强度比中砂、粗砂拌制的强度约低25%~35%,不仅耐磨性较差,而且干缩性较大,容易产生收缩裂缝等质量问题。水泥砂浆地面的施工工艺水泥砂浆地面的施工比较简单,其施工工艺流程为:基层处理—弹线、找规矩—水泥砂浆抹面—养护。 1.2 fine aggregate used in the cement mortar layer fine aggregate as the sand, more commonly used medium sand and coarse sand, silt content shall not be greater than 3% (mass fraction). Bad for fine grading, mixing mortar strength than medium sand and coarse sand mixing intensity of about 25% ~ 35% lower, not only wear resistance is poorer, and the dry shrinkage is bigger, easy to produce the quality problems such as shrinkage crack. Cement mortar ground the construction technology of cement mortar ground construction is simpler, its construction technological process as follows: the basic level processing - line, find rules - cement mortar plaster - maintenance.   2 基层处理 2 basic level processing   水泥砂浆面层多铺抹在楼地面混凝土垫层上,基层处理是防止水泥砂浆面层发生空鼓、裂纹、起砂等质量通病的关键工序。因此,要求基层具有粗糙、洁净、潮湿的表面,必须仔细清除一切浮灰、油渍、杂质,否则形成一层隔离层,会使面层结合不牢。表面比较光滑的基层,应进行凿毛,并用清水冲洗干净,冲洗后的基层,最好不要上人。在现浇混凝土或水泥砂浆垫层、找平层上做水泥砂浆地面面层时,其抗压强度达到1.2MPa,才能铺设面层,这样不致破坏其内部结构。 Cement mortar layer more than shop put on floors, concrete cushion layer, primary treatment is to prevent the cement mortar layer from a empty drum, crack, sand, etc. The quality common fault of the key working procedure. Therefore, grass-roots requirements with rough, clean, moist surface, must be carefully remove all float ash, oily be soiled, material, or to form a layer of isolation layer, layer combined with rickety. Surface is smooth at the grass-roots level, should be cut hair, rinse off with clear water, rinse the grassroots, had better not be here. In cast-in-place concrete or cement mortar cushion layer, making the ground surface layer of cement mortar screed-coat, its compressive strength is 1.2 MPa, in order to laid the surface, it does not damage its internal structure.   3 弹线、找规矩 3 line, find rules   3.1 弹基准线 地面抹灰前,应先在四周墙上弹出一道水平基准线,作为确定水泥砂浆面层标高的依据。做法是以地面±0.00为依据,根据实际情况在四周墙上弹出0.5m或1.0m作为水平基准线。据水平基准线量出地面标高并弹于墙上(水平辅助基准线),作为地面面层上皮的水平基准。要注意按设计要求的水泥砂浆面层厚度弹线。 Should be in 3.1 before playing the datum surface troweling pop up on the wall around a horizontal reference line, used as the basis for determining cement mortar surface elevation. Approach is based on the ground plus or minus 0.00, according to the actual situation in the pop up on the wall around 0.5 m or 0.5 m as a horizontal line. According to the level reference line out of the ground elevation and the amount play auxiliary reference line (level) on the wall, as the level of the ground surface epithelium. Should pay attention to according to the design requirements of the cement mortar layer thickness of the line. 3.2 做标筋 根据水平辅助基准线,从墙角处开始沿墙每隔1.5~2.0m用1:2水泥砂浆抹标志块;标志块大小一般是8~10cm见方。待标志块结硬后,再以标志块的高度做出纵横方向通长的标筋以控制面层的标高。地面标筋用1:2水泥砂浆,宽度一般为8~10cm。做标筋时,要注意控制面层标高与门框的锯口线吻合。 3.2 do the reinforcement according to the level of auxiliary line, starting from the corner along the wall every 1.5 ~ 2.0 m with 1:2 cement mortar plastering logo block; Marks the block size is 8 ~ 10 cm square. After being marked piece of "hard, again with the height of the logo piece make vertical and horizontal direction through the long bar to control the elevation of the surface. Width of ground reinforced by 1:2 cement mortar, general is 8 ~ 10 cm. Do the reinforcement, attention should be paid to control surface elevation and the frame line curf.   3.3 找坡度 对于厨房、浴室、厕所等房间的地面,要找好排水坡度。有地漏的房间,要在地漏四周做出不小于5%的泛水,以避免地面“倒流水”或产生积水。找平时要注意各室内地面与走廊高度的关系。 3.3 to find slope for kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc. The ground of the room, looking for good drainage slope. Have room, floor drain to make around the floor drain is not less than 5% of the water, to avoid any ground "backflow of water or water. Looking for at ordinary times should pay attention to the interior corridor of ground and the height of the relationship.   3.4 校核找正 地面铺设前,还要将门框再一次校核找正。其方法是先将门框锯口线抄平找正,并注意当地面面层铺设后,门扇与地面的间隙应符合规定要求,然后将门框固定,防止松动、位移。 3.4 check for ground laid before, and the door frame check alignment again. Its method is to frame line curf sight alignment, and pay attention to the local surface layer after laid, door leaf and the ground clearance should conform to the requirements of the rules, then frame fixed, prevent loose and displacement.   4 水泥砂浆抹面 4 cement mortar plaster   面层水泥砂浆的配合比应符合有关设计要求,一般不低于1:2,水灰比为1:(0.3~0.4),稠度不大于3.5cm。水泥砂浆要求拌和均匀,颜色一致。 The mixing ratio of cement mortar on the surface should comply with the design requirements, generally not less than 1:2, water cement ratio is 1: (0.3 ~ 0.4), consistency is not more than 3.5 cm. Cement mortar mixing evenly, the same color.   铺抹前,先将基层浇水湿润,第二天先刷一道水灰比为0.4~0.5的素水泥浆结合层,随即进行面层铺抹。如果素水泥浆结合层过早涂刷,则起不到与基层和面层两者黏结的作用,反而易造成地面空鼓,所以,一定要随刷随抹。 Shop before, first the basic water wet, the second day to brush a water-cement ratio is 0.4 ~ 0.5, the slurry layer, then wipe surface spread. If the slurry layer combined with early besmear to brush, not with the grassroots and surface bonding effect, both empty drums instead of the ground, so, be sure to increases with the increasing brush wipe. 地面面层的铺抹方法是:在标筋之间铺上砂浆,并随铺随用木抹子拍实,用短木杠按标筋标高刮平。在刮平时要从室内由里往外刮到门口,符合门框锯口线的标高,然后再用木抹子搓平,并用铁皮抹子紧跟着压光一遍。压光时用力要轻一些,使抹子的纹浅一些,以压光后表面不出现水纹为宜。如果面层上有多余的水分,可根据水分的多少适当均匀撒一层干水泥或干拌水泥砂浆来吸收面层上多余的水分,再压实压光。但是,当表层无多余水分时,不得撒干水泥。 Ground surface clean shop of method is: in the reinforcement between the mortar on the shop, and increases with the increasing spread using wood float and scrape to evenness with short wooden poles according to the standard bar elevation. In peacetime away from indoor by you to shave to the door, and in conformity with the frame line curf elevation, and then rubbing flat in wood float, and use iron float followed by pressure light again. Calender when the strength should be lighter, make float lines shallow some, with a light surface does not appear after water pressure is advisable. If there is excess water on the surface, but according to how much appropriate moisture evenly sprinkle a layer of dry cement or dry mixing cement mortar to absorb excess moisture on the surface, light compaction pressure again. But, when surface without excess water, must not dry cement.   当水泥砂浆开始初凝时,即人踩上去有脚印但不塌陷,即可开始用铁皮抹子压第二遍。 When cement mortar start initial setting, that is, people have stepped on footprints but not collapsed, then beginning to use iron float pressure the second time.   这一遍是确保面层质量最关键的环节,一定要压实、压光、不漏压,并要把死坑、砂眼和脚印全部压平,要做到清除气泡、孔隙、平整光滑。待水泥砂浆达到终凝前,即人踩上去有细微脚印,抹子抹上去不再有纹时,再用铁皮抹子压第三遍。抹压时用力要稍微大一些,并把第二遍留下的抹子纹、毛细孔压平、压实、压光。 This again is to ensure that the surface quality is the most key link, be sure to compaction, pressure light, does not leak, and the death pits, voids and footprints all pressing it, to do clear bubble, pore, level off is smooth. To cement mortar reached before the final set, that is, people walk to have a small footprint, float goes up no more lines, then use iron float a third time. Apply pressure when the strength should be slightly larger, and leave the second time wipe ZiWen, capillary pressure, compaction, pressure light.   水泥地面压光要三遍成活,每遍抹压的时间要掌握适当,以保证工程质量。压光过早或过迟,都会造成地面起砂的质量问题。 Cement floor calender to survival, three times every time wipe to grasp appropriate pressure of time, to ensure the engineering quality. Calender too early or too late, can create the ground sand quality problems.   5 养护 5 maintenance   面层抹压完毕后,在常温下铺盖草垫或锯木屑进行洒水养护,使其在湿润的状态下进行硬化。养护洒水要适时,如果洒水过早容易起皮,过晚则易产生裂纹或起砂。一般夏天在24h后进行养护,春秋季节应在48h后进行养护。当采用硅酸盐水泥和普通硅酸盐水泥时,养护时间不得少于7d;当采用矿渣硅酸盐水泥时,养护时间不得少于14d。面层强度达到5MPa以上后,才允许人在地面上行走或进行其他作业。 Wipe after the pressure facing, at room temperature sprinkler maintenance cladding MATS or sawdust, make its hardening under the humid condition. Sprinkling water curing water to timely, if too easy peeling, too late, easy to produce cracks or sand. General maintenance within 24 h after the summer, spring and autumn season should be performed within 48 h after curing. When using Portland cement and ordinary Portland cement, curing time shall not be less than 7 d; When using slag silicate cement, curing time shall not be less than 14 d. Surface strength after reaching more than 5 mpa, allowed people to walk on the ground or other operations.







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