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2014-1-24 13:04| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 383| 评论: 0

摘要: 摘要:变电站综合自动化是指利用先进的计算机技术、现代电子技术、通信技术和信号处理技术,实现对变电站主要设备和输、配电线路的自动监视、测量、控制、保护以及与调度通信等综合性自动化功能。近年来,随着国民经 ...


Abstract: substation integrated automation is the use of advanced computer technology, modern electronic technology, communication technology and signal processing technology, the implementation of substation main equipment and transport, distribution circuit of automatic monitoring, measurement, control, protection and communication and dispatching integrated automation function. In recent years, with the rapid growth of national economy, the traditional substation has far cannot satisfy the needs of modern management mode of power system. Therefore, transformed substation by routine for all the standing has gradually become a trend. This article all the problems arising from the modification accordingly analysis, to find reasonable solutions to these problems. 
关键词:综合自动化 原则 事故信号 GPS 后台监控
Key words: integrated automation principle of GPS signal background monitor accident 
0 引言
0 the introduction 
In recent years, the substation from conventional station to ensemble since gradually become a trend. Zong since after transforming the substation, its operation is more and more depends on the practicability of automation devices and maturity. 
1 自动化改造的原则 
The principle of 1 automation reconstruction 
Will a equipment online monitoring system and substation integrated automation system, can improve the operation reliability of the high voltage electrical equipment, and to realize the true sense of the unattended substation; Continue to improve intelligent level of secondary equipment, introduced the PLC technology, substation from the people on duty to less people, someone from less person on duty to unmanned on duty patrol a smooth transition; The introduction of advanced WEBServer technology and firewall technology, make the operation and management personnel can through the Internet/Intranet to realize remote access and maintenance; Communication engineering, comprehensive consideration of substation dispatching channel problem. 
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