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2013-11-11 10:47| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 302| 评论: 0

摘要: 摘要:随着社会经济的快速发展,我国的建筑行业也迅速发展起来,而工程质量问题也越来越应受到重视,工程质量的好坏直接影响到人们群众的切身利益,工程质量监督机构对工程质量的控制发挥着重要的作用。工程质量监督 ...


关键词:工程监理;工程监督;问题;对策 abstract: with the rapid development of social economy, china’s construction industry also rapidly, and engineering quality problem is also more and more should be taken seriously, engineering quality affects the vital interests of the people, the project quality supervision mechanism for the engineering quality control played an important role. construction quality supervision system is established in 1984, which marks the government administrative management construction engineering quality one-way supervision and time is close to an end, and entering government professional technical quality supervision and new era, from a government project quality supervision mechanism established, past the existence of major national quality problem effectively controlled. for 20 years, all levels of project quality supervision agencies in developing rapidly across the country, from small to large size, strength by weak to strong, gradually become main force of engineering construction quality management team, the establishment of the guarantee it all engineering quality, to avoid some important engineering, quality accident, the appearance of project quality management in our country play a very important role, in the society set up a good image. construction projects the government supervision and management of the construction quality management as a important part, although in security project quality supervision of the implementation of the played a better effect, but there are also some problems. in order to effectively guarantee of the engineering construction level, the realization from a single fact supervision to the engineering construction quality supervision and extension of the parties behavior, and pay special attention engineering construction of all parties of the quality of the project on part of effective supervision, establish behavior supervision and the facts to monitor both the quality supervision and operation mechanism is an inevitable trend. keywords: engineering supervision; engineering supervision; problem; countermeasures 中图分类号:f253.3文献标识码:a 文章编号: 1 建筑工程质量问题及特点 建筑工程质量问题的现状主要表现在: (1)由于普遍存在意识淡薄,管理力度低,执行不到位,导致政府的监督管理工作出现了缺位,越位,不到位现象。一些建筑工程开始不按程序建设,有些工程没有审查图纸就施工,一边施工一边设计;有些工程建设单位的资质审查不是很严,且层层转包;有些工程施工前的程序还没有办理完就野蛮施工,一味的追求利润最大化,不顾建筑质量标准与规范,产生一系列的潜在的及明显的质量问题。 (2)施工中的质量问题。一些施工经验并不是很多,专业水平也不是很高的队伍,却去承包接揽自己力所不能及的项目,或者一味的转包。 (3)竣工的验收不按行规与法规实施,执行力不够。本应参照竣工验收备案制度,由相关有资质的竣工验收机构监督验收,但是工程建设单位与施工单位刻意的绕开竣工验收机构,将竣工验收改为自检。这样导致建设单位与施工单位成为了验收的主导,竣工验收发挥不了相应的作用,缺乏了机制的制衡。







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