摘要: The Tender Announcement of the Comprehensive Master Plan and Phase One Construction of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen 项目名称:香港中文大学(深圳)一期工程 Project Name: Phase O ...
项目名称:香港中文大学(深圳)一期工程 Project Name: Phase One Construction of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. 项目概况:香港中文大学(深圳)校园建设项目位于深圳市龙岗区大运中心西南侧、龙翔大道北侧,由龙岗北通道两侧地块组成。校园总用地面积约100公顷,其中建设用地面积约为50公顷,总建筑面积约为45万平方米。校园分为两期建设,其中一期工程按在校生7000人规划建设,建筑面积301374平方米,投资估算150687万元人民币。主要建设工程包括教室、实验室、图书馆、室内体育用房、行政及教师办公用房、会堂、食堂、学生宿舍、教职工宿舍、后勤及附属用房、道路市政设施、停车设施、园林绿化等。 此次招标的主要任务为校园整体规划及一期工程设计。 Project Overview: Located to the southwest of the Universiade Center and the northwest of Long Xiang Blvd, Longgang District, Shenzhen, this project is consisted of two plots of land along Yan Long Blvd (North passageway). The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen has a total area of about 100 hectares, around 50 hectares of which is buildable area. Gross floor area (GFA) is around 450,000 square meters. The construction is divided into two phase: Phase One is intended to accommodate 7,000 students, with GFA of 301374 square meters. The estimated total investment is RMB1,506,870,000. The project consists of classrooms, labs, libraries, indoor gyms, administration, offices for the faculty, assembly halls, canteens, dormitories for students, the staff quarter, service buildings, road and landscapes. This tender is for the Comprehensive Master Plan and Phase One Construction. 招标目的:本次招标活动的目的在于集思广益,在对校园现状条件和规划布局进行详细研究的基础上,借鉴国内外优秀校园规划设计经验,充分吸纳香港中文大学沙田校区的校园特征,尊重周边地区的文脉肌理和文化特征,完成校园整体规划及一期工程设计,塑造出既具有深圳本土文化地域特色,又具有现代城市地域特征的新型校园。 Tender Aims: The aim of this tender is to generate a comprehensive master plan of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen campus and its Phase One architecture design based on a detailed research of the site’s current condition, outstanding campus design home and abroad, features of the Sha Tin Campus of CUHK, the history and culture of surrounding neighborhoods, and build a new campus reflecting the regional culture of Shenzhen and its characteristics as a modern city. 招标范围:本次招标将确定香港中文大学(深圳)整体规划与一期工程设计方案,并由中标人完成项目所涉及的所有专业设计工作及方案设计、初步设计、施工图设计、施工配合及绘制竣工图五个阶段的设计内容。 Tender Scope: This tender is to determine the comprehensive master plan and design scheme of phase one construction of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The winning bidder also needs to complete all of the necessary professional design works including schematic design, design development, construction drawing, relevant construction service and as-built drawings. 设计费:设计费为3600万元人民币。 Design fee: 36,000,000 RMB 招标方式:招标工作分为两个阶段进行,第一阶段采取公开报名、资格评审的方式,招标人将组织专家团队对报名单位的公司资格、业绩、设计联合体构成情况、对本项目设计基本构思等进行评选,最终确定6家设计单位入围参加第二阶段的方案设计竞标(不接受6家入围单位以外的设计单位参加竞标)。 Tender Process: This tender is to be conducted in two stages, The first stage is registration and qualification review, the second stage is design competition. The tenderee will organize a jury of professionals to review the applicants’ qualification based on their performance, team composition, and a conceptual interpretation for the campus design of The Chinese University of Hongkong, Shenzhen. The jury will select six eligible design firms/teams to proceed to the second phase, the design competition phase. (No other design firms are allowed to participate in the second phase except the selected six design firms/teams.) 报名条件:境内外具有法人资格的独立机构和设计联合体均可参加,鼓励设计联合体报名。 Registration Qualification:Any independent organization or joint design group home and abroad with an independent legal entity can participate. The registration of joint design group is strongly encouraged. 报名截止时间:2012年4月9日下午17:00 Deadline for Registration:Before 17: 00, Apr.9, 2012 评审时间:2012年4月12日 Qualification Review Result Announcement:Apr. 12,2012 招标人:香港中文大学(深圳)筹建领导小组建设办公室(深圳市建筑工务署) Tenderee:The Project Office of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen (Bureau of Public Works of Shenzhen Municipality) 招标服务单位:深圳市城市设计促进中心 地 址:深圳市福田区红荔西路8009号规划大厦一楼 邮政编码:518034 联 系 人: 姚巧 白璐 联系电话:86-755-8394 9267 传 真:86-755-8394 9380 Tender Service Provider: Address:No.8009 Hongli West Road, Gui-hua Da Sha, Futian District, Shenzhen,CHINA Postcode: 518034 Contacts: YAO Qiao, BAI Lu Tel: 86-755-8394 9267 Fax: 86-755-8394 9380 招标相关资料请点击以下网站下载: Please download related documents from: Please refer to the Chinese pre-announcement should any conflict between the Chinese and English versions arise. |
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