简介:双塔奇缘(The Two Towers)——国银-民生金融大厦 建筑设计方案国际竞赛 竞赛公告 Notice for the International Schematic Design Competition of The Two Towers ---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower ...
建筑设计方案国际竞赛 竞赛公告 Notice for the International Schematic Design Competition of The Two Towers ---- CDB Tower and Minsheng Financial Tower 一、项目概述General Information 项目名称:双塔奇缘——国银-民生金融大厦建筑设计方案竞赛,以下简称双塔竞赛。 Project Name: International Conceptual Design Competition of The Two Towers – CDB Tower & Minsheng Financial Tower, hereinafter “The Two Towers Competition”. 双塔位于深圳市福田中心区市民中心东侧,深南大道北侧,是深圳福田中心区最后的重要建筑之一。在两家业主----国银金融租赁有限公司和民生金融租赁股份有限公司的共同协商下,决定共同举办建筑设计方案竞赛,两个项目的建筑设计方案实行统一设计,统一建设。 Located in Shenzhen Futian CBD, east to Shenzhen Civic Center and north to Shennan Boulevard,The Two Towers are one of the final important buildings in Shenzhen Futian CBD. According to the requirement of the clients, CDB Leasing Co., Ltd (CLC) and Minsheng Financial Leasing Co., Ltd. (MSFL) have negotiated to hold a competition together for consolidated design and construction of the two buildings. 国银金融大厦占地5500M2 ,(宗地号:B205-0015),计容积率建筑面积60,000 M2 CDB Tower (ground number:B205-0015): Land coverage – 5,500㎡, GFA – 60,000㎡ 民生金融大厦占地4634 M2 ,(宗地号B205-0022),计容积率建筑面积40,000 M2 Minsheng Financial Plaza(ground number:B205-0022): Land coverage – 4,634㎡, GFA – 40,000㎡ 二、奖金及设计成本补偿费Bonus and Cost-recovery Fee 5.1 奖金 Bonus 最终方案评审选出的第一、二、三名,将分别获得奖金: Top three finalists awarded by the final review will receive prize as follow: 第一名:RMB150万元 1st prize winner: 1,500,000 第二名:RMB80万元 2nd prize winner: RMB800, 000 第三名:RMB60万元 3rd prize winner: RMB600, 000 优胜方案的第一名将优先获得本项目两栋大厦的全程设计委托(包括方案设计、扩初设计、施工图设计)合同的谈判权利。 The 1st prize winner will be consigned with the contract of entire design process(includes schematic design, preliminary plan, construction detail design). 未获得前三名优胜的符合评审要求的受邀设计机构或联合体在提交符合设计要求的成果后将获得设计成本(包干)补偿费RMB60万元。 Invited design firms/consortia other than the top three firms shall be reimbursed for the design cost of RMB600, 000 if their submitted schemes meet the requirements of the specification. 三、竞赛日程Timetable ▲ 报名:2011年6月7日---6月27日17:00pm 截止 Time for sign-up:June 7th, 2011 to 17:00 on June 27th,2011(deadline) ▲ 资格预审会:初步定于2011年6月30日 Prequalification review: preliminary set on June 30th, 2011 ▲ 发布预审名单:2011年7月1日 Prequalification Announcement: July 1st, 2011 ▲ 现场踏勘、答疑:2011年7月7日 集合地点另行通知 Site-visit, Q&A: July 7th, 2011 Assembling place will be noticed later ▲ 答疑截止:2011年8月10日 以邮件方式提交答疑文件 Deadline for Q&A: August 10th, 2011 method: by email ▲ 提交方案:2011年8月30日 Submission: August 30 th, 2011 ▲ 方案评审:2011年8月31日(暂定) Review: August 31 st, 2011(interim) ▲ 公布方案评选结果:2011年9月15日(暂定) Announcement for the final review: September 15 th, 2011(interim) 四、资料索取/联系人 Inquiry/contacts 资料索取:竞赛文件、设计任务书及报名表格,请点击以下网站下载: www.szdesigncenter.org, www.szpl.gov.cn Inquiry: Visit www.szdesigncenter.org, www.szpl.gov.cn to download Competition File, Design Specifications and Registration Form. 报名及提交成果邮箱:competition@ehow.net.cn 联系人:姚巧:86+13590315036 Contacts:Daisy:86+13760133656 |