简介:杭州创新创业新天地工业遗存核心区设计单位国际征集 一、项目介绍 创新创业新天地综合体是根据市委市政府要求打造的“宜居、宜商、宜文、宜游”的次级商务商业中心, 集文化娱乐、商业休闲、商务办公、SOHO/ ...
![]() 杭州创新创业新天地工业遗存核心区设计单位国际征集 一、项目介绍 创新创业新天地综合体是根据市委市政府要求打造的“宜居、宜商、宜文、宜游”的次级商务商业中心, 集文化娱乐、商业休闲、商务办公、SOHO/LOFT商住、文化创意等多功能于一体.位于杭州下城区北部,用地面积850亩,建筑面积115万平方米,总投资约100亿人民币。 首期开发的工业遗存核心区块占地面积约100亩,总建筑面积约6万平方米。以“保存工业遗存、传承工业文脉”为设计理念,打造成为综合体的亮点与焦点,以提升形象、集聚人气。 二、报名须知 1)欢迎具有类似大型项目设计经验的国际知名设计公司或联合体参加。 2)参加报名的设计单位须提供相关证明材料及主要设计人的简历及类似大型项目设计材料。 3)报名时间 报名截止时间:2009年7月23日17:00止。 三:报名方式 报名方式:报名单位需填写《杭州市创新创业新天地工业遗存核心区概念方案设计报名表》 请于www.abbs.com.cn招标公告内下载 电子邮件或传真方式报名 报名截止后,征集单位将对报名的设计单位进行资格预审,最终选定3家设计单位,并以书面方式确认。 四:联系方式及联系人 地址:杭州市宝石山下四弄19号 杭州新天地集团有限公司 联系人:高翔 联系电话:0571- 85315031 85088628(传真) 邮箱:gx@hzxtd.net 邮政编码:310007 报名表下载 Title: International design collection for the core area of the industrial remains at Creative New land Hangzhou 1) Project Descriptions Per the government requirements, themes of the mix-used project of the Creative New land Hangzhou are “good for living, good for business, and good for tourism”, in which a set of cultural entertainment, commercial leisure, office, SOHO / LOFT, and cultural creativity in one, such a multi-functional sub-business center will be built. The project is located in the northern part of Xiacheng district, the land area of 850 acres, building area of 1.15 million square meters, with a total investment of about RMB10 billion yuan. The first phase development of the industrial remians of the core area will be about 100 acres, total construction area of about 60,000 square meters. The design concept required to "Preserving the industrial heritage, heritage industrial context", it should become the focus spot of the whole project in order to enhance the image and public attention. . 2) Enrollment requirements: a) Party should has experience in design of large-scale industrial heritage projects and is a well-known international design firm or to participate in the Commonwealth; b) Party needs to provide proof of materials and curriculum vitae of the main designers; c) Application deadline will be at 17:00 on the July 22, 2009; 3) Registration E-mail or fax application is acceptable, details refer to www.abbs.com. Download |
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