简介:一、项目背景: 大连长兴岛临港工业区“规划展示馆”项目,现以公开竞赛方式征求该项目建筑设计方案,择优选择设计单位,凡具有相关设计经验设计单位均可报名参加投标。有关事宜公布如下: 按照国家振 ...
一、项目背景: 大连长兴岛临港工业区“规划展示馆”项目,现以公开竞赛方式征求该项目建筑设计方案,择优选择设计单位,凡具有相关设计经验设计单位均可报名参加投标。有关事宜公布如下: 按照国家振兴东北老工业基地的总体战略,辽宁省提出了开发建设沿海“五点一线”的发展战略。随着辽宁省委、省政府,大连市委、市政府提出的开发建设“长兴岛临港工业区”发展战略的深入实施,长兴岛临港工业区经济得到迅速发展,与此同时,市民对精神文明的要求也不断提高,根据城市总体规划的要求,将在长兴岛临港工业区城八线北侧占地约15000平方米的地块内,建设以规划展示、建设管理、科普教育为目的的规划展览馆,为市民提供一个全新的教育基地,进一步提升城市整体文化氛围。 长兴岛“规划展示馆”拟建成一流的、现代化的综合性展览馆,她将成为长兴岛重要的、标志性的建筑之一。 长兴岛临港工业区基本情况请登陆网站查询。 二、项目概况: 选址位于大连长兴岛临港工业区综合区,用地面积约15000平方米,容积率0.5以下。最终建设规模以管委会批复为准。整个地块内现状无建筑物。北侧可以看海,东临管委会大楼。用地周围绿化状况良好,为开阔的城市绿色开放空间。主要功能设置见竞赛文件。 三、设计内容: 长兴岛“规划展示馆” 总平面规划和建筑方案设计。 四、资质要求: 国内设计单位须具有甲级建筑设计资质,具有类似项目设计的丰富经验,项目负责人为国家一级注册建筑师。国外设计单位须与国内拥有甲级以上资质设计单位组成联合体参与竞标。 五、报名须知: 参与报名的设计单位需提供以下材料: 1、加盖公章的企业法人营业执照和资质证书的复印件; 2、法定代表人身份证的复印件; 3、近年来类似工程设计作品介绍;(包括工程规模、获奖情况、方案图册等); 4、项目负责人及主要设计人员情况。(包括职称、资格、经验等)设计单位详细通讯地址、电话、联络人等资料。 以上资料1、2、3项报名时审查原件。所有资料需提供复印件(加盖单位公章)一套,按顺序装订提交。(设计图册可单独成册) 六、资格确定: 征集单位将对应征单位的材料进行资格审查,对资格审查后最终能够参加方案设计的应征单位将另行书面通知参加方案征集活动,未入选单位不另行通知。 七、设计报酬: 本次活动采用一次性评审确认的方式,竞赛主办单位将组织国内城市规划等方面专家组成评审小组对方案进行评审,并投票表决方案的推荐排序,送长兴岛管委会确定最终中选方。设一等奖1名,奖金30万元人民币;二等奖1名,奖金12万元人民币;三等奖1名,奖金6万元人民币。 八、报名时间: 有意参加报名的投标单位请携带上述相关资料,于北京时间2009年2月20日至2月27日(每天8:30—16:00,节假日除外)到代理机构大连机械设备成套公司报名。 九、联系方式: 组织单位: 大连长兴岛临港工业区规划局 联络地址:大连长兴岛临港工业区兴港大厦505室 邮编:116317 联络人:杨迪 联系方式:电话: +86-411-85283533 传真: +86-411-85280811 代理机构:大连机械设备成套公司 联络地址:大连市西岗区民众街40号 邮编:116011 联系人:吴凯峰、鞠平 联系方式:电话: +86-411-83684787 传真: +86-411-83684551 二○○九年二月二十日 If you have any questions regarding the following information, please refer to the Chinese announcement as standard. Project Background Dalian Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone "Planning Exhibition Hall" project is now inviting international architects to submit their qualification for invitational competition on architecture design, every design team has relevant design experiences can register. In order to revitalize the old northeast industrial zone, Liaoning Province proposed the development strategies of coastal “Five Points of A Line”. In accordance with the requirements of the overall urban planning, a "Planning Exhibition Hall" will be built in the north side of Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone Chengba Line which covers an area of about 15,000 square meters, to display the planning, construction management, and science education, and to provide a new education base for the city. Changxing Island "Planning Exhibition Hall" plans to be built a modern and comprehensive exhibition hall, which will become one of the important landmark buildings in Changxing Island. Please visit the website “” for information of Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone. Project Overview The site is located in Dalian Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone complex zone, the land area is about 15,000 square meters, and floor area ratio is below 0.5. Eventually the construction scale is subject to approved by the Administrative Commission. The entire area doesn’t have any buildings in the current situation. With open views to the sea on north, Administrative Commission building to the east,there’s plenty greenery on site for open urban green space. The main function set is inside the competition document. Design Content Changxing Island "Planning Exhibition Hall" master planning and architectural design. Qualification Requirements Domestic design team are required to have the qualification of Class A architecture design, have similar project design experiences, project leader is national Class One Registered Architect. Foreign architect must collaborate with a domestic design team with Chinese Class A qualification in order to register. Registration Instruction The applicants need to provide the following materials: 1、Stamp an official seal on the copy of business license of legal entity and qualification certification 2、The copy of legal representative identity card 3、Projects of the similar type of the project in recent years (Including project size, the case of winning awards, program drawings, etc) 4、CV of the project leader and main design personnel (Including professional title, qualifications, experience, etc), the detailed address、telephone number、contact person of the design units. The applicants need to provide original documents of the above information “1、2、3”, and a copy of all materials (Stamp an official seal), bind and submit in order. (The design drawings could bind separately) Qualification Determine The competition organizers will select qualified archtiects based on the material submitted, and inform in writing to those selected only. Design Reward Jury of this competition will be a team of domestic urban planning experts. All projects will submit to Changxing Island Administrative Commission for final decision. Final result includes: One first prize, ¥300,000 RMB; one second prize, ¥120,000 RMB; one third prize, ¥60,000 RMB. Sign Up Time The units which intend to take part in the project, please register at (Dalian Machinery & EQ. Complete Set Co) on Feb 20th, 2009 to Feb 27th, 2009 (Beijing Time Everyday 8:30—16:00, Except holidays). Contact Information Organizational Unit:Dalian Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone Planning Bureau Contact Address:Changxing Island Harbor Industrial Zone, Xinggang Mansion Room 505, Dalian Post Code:116317 Contact Person:Yang Di Contact:Telephone: +86-411-85283533 Fax: +86-411-85280811 Agency:Dalian Machinery & EQ. Complete Set Co Contact Address:No.40 Minzhong Street, Xigang District, Dalian Post Code:116011 Contact Person:Wu Kaifeng, Ju Ping Contact:Telephone: +86-411-83684787 Fax: +86-411-83684551 2009.2.20 |