The International Forum on Design and Planning of High-end Hotel Architecture

2011-6-14 11:09| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 5300| 评论: 0

摘要: Theme : Rational Development 、 Reasonable Design 、 Effective Operation Venue and Date: Beijing China ; 12 th -14 th Aug,2011 Sponsor: Beijing Huiqingyuan Ar ...

ThemeRational DevelopmentReasonable DesignEffective Operation

Venue and Date: Beijing China12th-14th Aug,2011

Sponsor: Beijing Huiqingyuan Architectural Culture Communication company

Beijing Huiqingyuan Culture Development Company

Official Website: China Construction Space (

Supporters: The Architectural Society of China

媒体支持:时代楼盘(times house)、建筑英才网(buildhr)

With the 12th Five-Year Plan implemented and residential market limited, more and more developers of China turn to the commercial and resorts real estate. As the important part of both commercial and resorts real estate, It is no doubt that hotel development in China will increase explosively, according to the survey that at present a large amount of capital is poured in hotel industry. But there is still a certain gap in rational development, reasonable design, effective operation of hotel industry between China and the developed countries, such as the European countries, the U.S.A., and Japan.

In order to exchange and study excellent design experience home and abroad in hotel architecture and to promote the healthy development of hotel real estate, the organizing committee will especially invite several leading experts attend the forum, who are activists in the current industry of hotel design. Integrating with the development of commercial and resorts real estate, they will make professional presentations on designingplanning and landscape for Chinese developers and architects. Through the conference, we hope to promote the understanding and cooperation in high-end hotel design between developers and architects.


1Wimberly Allison Tong & Goo WATG

2HKS Hill Glazier Studio

3Gensler Architecture

4KKS Co., ltdJapan

5HOK Architecture

6Aecom Architecture








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