摘 要:本工程为某高校综合教学实验楼。共六层,建筑面积7320m2。本设计共分三个部分:建筑设计、结构设计、施工组织设计。建筑设计依照经济、安全、美观、实用、多功能性等原则,力求建筑上的美观与周围环境的协调,外部设计庄重气派,突出建筑的风格。结构设计取一榀框架进行计算,用D值法计算水平力作用下框架的内力和顶点水平位移,用分层法计算竖向荷载作用下框架的内力,在荷载组合和内力组合的基础上,进行框架梁、柱的配筋设计。施工组织设计依据工程量和相关资料作出施工网络图,并进行施工平面布置。
Abstract:The structure named the Building complex of teaching and experimentation. It has 6 floors and an area of 7320 square meters. The whole design is divided into three parts, namely the design of the architecture, the design of structure and the design of construction.At first part, the program is selected not only by economy, technique, practicability, aesthetics and multifunction but also by surrounding. The design of the external walls of the building is state and style to show it’s character. In the second, structure design adopts D method to calculate horizontal load, selects layered distributing method to calculate frame’s inner forces. Then do the work of the configuration steels. The last part is the design of the plan which based on the estimate of the project and the shop retiary drawing.
Key words: Architecture ;Structure ;Construction;D-method;Fram;Horizontal load