别墅所处位置有利于保护住户隐私,同时,整个建筑自身又具有高能效的特性。整个别墅重现了《穆赫兰道》中的经典景象。别墅整体下沉,与周围的山势相融合,使观者能毫不费力地欣赏圣费尔南多谷全景,在别墅里的住户也有足够的空间欣赏景色。别墅最大的特征就是拥有多处露天平台,可做观景台、露天阳台、屋顶阳台等,屋顶部分得以突出。经过特殊处理的建筑表层结构使建筑整体具有良好的节能效果。 Its sunken nature provides not only a clear outlook of the San Fernando Valley for the tourists and onlookers, but it provides a penumbra of relief from the west lashing sun. In addition to creating a stepped and integrated profile for the building, the resulting platforms were each used as a deck surface, all the way to the roof deck. The cool roof material not only provides energy saving features, it also provides a monocoque aesthetic that emboldens the roof for being the most visible feature of the house from Mulholland Drive. The deliberate use of extravagantly wide stairs enables the thirty-six foot ascension to become a transparent stroll, largely unnoticed. 英文名称:MUL7691