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2013-1-21 00:00| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 1649| 评论: 0

摘要: 瑞士Lemanarc 建筑及城市规划设计事务所(Lemanarc S.A.)是瑞士联邦建筑师及工程师协会注册事务所,为瑞士知名建筑设计公司。公司总部位于瑞士洛桑,在瑞士苏黎世和中国上海均设有分支机构。 Lemanarc事务所拥有众 ...
瑞士Lemanarc 建筑及城市规划设计事务所(Lemanarc S.A.)是瑞士联邦建筑师及工程师协会注册事务所,为瑞士知名建筑设计公司。公司总部位于瑞士洛桑,在瑞士苏黎世和中国上海均设有分支机构。
花园化建筑(Gardenized Architecture)将是lemanarc今后几年的研究方向,在医院项目中尤其重视花园与建筑的交织融合。南京鼓楼医院、上海东方医院,深圳大学附属医院等项目无不实践着瑞士lemanarc的花园化建筑理念。

请访问我司网站 www.lemanarc.com.cn了解更多详情。

Which can date back to Delta7 Architectural Design Office founded by Mr. Fredy Pfister in 1970 in Lausanne, Switzerland,merged Leman Consulting into Leman Architects in 2000.And in 2008 , it officially changed its name as Lemanarc SA . With stations in Zurich , Lausanne and Shanghai, it is registered in Swiss Engineering Architect Association.
Its design works focus on conciseness and pureness, context inheritance, rational economy as well as durance and utility. The design process is meticulous, rigorous and emphasizing on landscape, ecology and sustainable development. From the whole to the detail, the worksreceived equal serious concern no matter huge as city or tiny as door handle. Consequently it has won numerous worldwide awards.
Please visit our website www.lemanarc.com.cn for further information.

应聘须知Notice for application:

请注意我司不接受邮件申请,请至以下网址 提交您的应聘信息

Please note that emailed applications will not be reviewed. To apply please visit the website below:

Position vacancy and Requirement:

项目设计师 Project Architect
1. 建筑学专业本科以上学历,3年以上外企工作经验;
Bachelor degree or above in architecture,minimum of 3 years experience in a foreign design company.
Cabable of completing project independently and presenting to clients.
Experience in large scale public building, especially hospital, design
Abilities in conceptual design, schematic design and design development. Good at organizing project designing process and understanding the needs of the clients.
Familiar with English (CET-6 or higher), any Germany or French language skills are preferred.
7.热爱建筑设计, 具备很强责任心和良好的团队协作精神。
Love design and dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.

规划师 Urban Designer
1. 城市规划专业本科以上学历;
Bachelor degree or above in urban planning
2. 3年以上相关工作经验;有外资建筑设计公司工作经验优先;
More than 3 years related experience,with the experience in a foreign-invested architectural firm is preferred
3. 熟悉城市规划,城市设计全流程,拥有独立完成大型规划项目经验;
Familiar with the whole process of urban planning and urban design ,have the experience of independently completing large scale planning project
4. 对城市设计充满热情,思维敏锐活跃;
A passion for urban design, with a keen intellect and active thinking.
5. 具备优秀的沟通能力,很强的责任心及良好的的团队协作精神;
Excellent communication ability ,Dedication with responsibility and a good teamwork spirit.
6. 良好的中英文口语和书面能力;
Proficiency in Chinese and English, both oral and written.
7. 拥有建筑和城市规划双学历者优先。
Holding both Architecture and Urban design degree is preferred.

平面设计师 Graphic designer
1. 视觉艺术、美术、平面设计等相关专业毕业;
Major in Visual art, art, graphic design etc. related.
2. 对设计工作充满激情,思维活跃,具有独特创意及优秀的平面表现力;注重作品细节,良好的美学修养及优秀的执行能力;
Full of passion ,active thinking and has the unique creativity and excellent graphic expression;pay attentaion to detail work, good aesthetic culture and outstanding performance.
Familiar with the required tools of website design and multimedia design (Director、Dreamweaver、Coreldraw、Illustrator、Photoshop、AI、Flash etc.)
4. 有相关领域的从业经验2年以上,有成熟、成功的多媒体作品;
Have more than 2 years related experience,with mature and successful works.
5. 具有较强的人际沟通、独立工作能力、高度的责任心和团队合作精神;
Strong interpersonal communication ability and independent working ability;high sense of responsibility and team work spirit.
6. 具有良好的时间观念,能够按时完成稿件且有良好的自我学习能力,自我管理能力;
Have good time concept ,can finish the work in time ;have good self-learning ability and self management ability.
Fluency in English is preferred.


Internship designer 实习设计师
Major in architecture, excellent fresh graduate or university student. Southeast University, Nanjing University, Tongji University, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai University, Donghua University, Tsinghua University, Tianjin University, Chongqing University institute of architecture and urban planning, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology students are priority;
2. 英语良好(CET6级),能用英语进行日常交流;懂法语或德语更佳;
Good in English (CET6), can use English in daily communication. French or German will be a plus.
3. 熟练掌握Auto CAD, Sketch Up, Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator和Microsoft Office等办公软件;
Good command of Auto Cad, Sketch Up, Photoshop, In Design, Illustrator and Microsoft Office
4.热爱设计, 具备很强责任心和良好的团队协作精神;
Love design; with strong sense of responsibility have good team-work spirit.
5. 良好的沟通能力和服务意识;
Good communication skills and strong Customer Service Consciousness.
6. 至少可实习6个月以上。
Length of internship minimum six months.







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