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2012-11-2 00:00| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 985| 评论: 0

摘要: Founded in 2009, Praxis D Architecture (第一实践建筑设计) is actively engaged in a broad range of projects with various scales from artist village district planning, neighborhood master plan to office ...
Founded in 2009, Praxis D Architecture (第一实践建筑设计) is actively engaged in a broad range of projects with various scales from artist village district planning, neighborhood master plan to office, exhibition spaces, live-work studios, schools, artist and collector’s residence, etc. Our built projects are mostly in Songzhuang, Tongzhou District, Beijing. The firm is a member of an international architect collaboration called JACK that focuses on large scale projects in China.

Currently our design services have enlarged from cultural and arts to commercial as well as hospitality. Projects in process include office building, commercial complex, urban cultural center, as well as interior design for high end residence and clubhouse. Along with realization of our projects the firm is reaching a critical period of its growth. We welcome passionate designers to join our team. For more information about the firm please go to website http://www.praxisdarch.com and http://www.jackarchitects.com.

The following vacancies are available right now:

Assistant architect
1. Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture, or related field
2. Good communication skill and open, friendly, proactive and willing to learn new approaches to design
3. Good at design software like SU, PS, ID, AI, CAD
4. Solid communication in English language, both oral and written.

Architecture intern
1. Bachelor or Master Degree in Architecture,
2. Modest, studious, and have the desire to do better
3. High reliability and trustworthy
4. Good at design software like SU, PS, CAD
5. Full-time position for at least 6 months, and excellent interns are preferential candidates for formal position.

Please send the application material (resume and portfolio) with your desired position and salary to the following address:
Tel: 010-58693282 contact: Mr. Di
Address: Rm605, Bldg14, Jianwai SOHO Chaoyang District Beijing, China.


目前公司的设计项目正在从艺术产业类型向其他类型拓展,进行中的项目包括企业办公楼设计,商业综合体设计,城市文化中心规划设计,同时也进行室内空间设计。随着公司的成长与设计作品的陆续建成,第一实践到了成长的关键时期。我们现诚挚欢迎广大对设计富有热情地专业人士加入我们设计团队。如需进一步了解事务所及相关信息,请登陆http://www.praxisdarch.com, http://www.jackarchitects.com查看。


1. 建筑学专业,本科以上学历;
2. 出色的沟通交流技巧
3. 熟练运用SU,PS,ID, AI, CAD等设计软件,有设计表现特长者优先。
4. 流利的中英文口语及书面交流水平的优先

1. 建筑学专业,本科以上学历
2. 虚心好学,有上进心;
3. 较高的可靠度和稳定性;
4. 要求熟练运用SU,PS,CAD,工作严谨扎实。
5. 可全职实习六个月或以上,优秀实习生可优先考虑聘为正式员工








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