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创盟国际(Archi-Union Architects)诚聘

2012-6-26 00:00| 发布者: ccbuild| 查看: 1221| 评论: 0

摘要: 创盟国际(Archi-Union Architects,全称上海创盟国际建筑设计有限公司)是一家创建于2003年的具有住房和城乡建设部认证的综合性甲级建筑设计机构。公司现有60余人,在过去的近10年中,已建成的项目包括上海浦东九间 ...
创盟国际(Archi-Union Architects,全称上海创盟国际建筑设计有限公司)是一家创建于2003年的具有住房和城乡建设部认证的综合性甲级建筑设计机构。公司现有60余人,在过去的近10年中,已建成的项目包括上海浦东九间堂线性住宅、上海证大美术馆室内改造、成都非物质文化遗产公园兰溪庭、武汉东湖国际会议中心、上海嘉定苔圣园石工坊、上海青浦盈浦街道服务中心、上海徐汇尚海湾豪庭、上海宝山高境大型住宅小区等20余个项目。其业务范围包括建筑设计、城市规划、景观设计和室内设计等综合性的整体设计服务。
创盟国际的主创设计团队注重数字设计的教学及建造试验与实际项目相结合,理论研究与实际项目的并行与互补发展是创盟国际的一大特色。其作品在《时代建筑》、《城市环境设计》(UED)、《城市建筑》(UA)、西班牙《AV》(Arquitectura Viva)、《ABITARE中文版》、《Architectural Digest中文版》、《设计新潮》、《外滩画报》、《东方早报》、Dezeen、Archdaily等国内外知名建筑设计和大众媒体上发表。

Founded in 2003, Archi-Union Architects is a Shanghai-based architectural design firm providing solutions to architectural problems through a combination of academic research and practice, specializing in architecture, urban planning and interior design. Archi-Union has more than 60 people in the office and has finished more than 20 projects in the past decade.
Archi-Union has managed to introduce a design style that is an amalgam of the global trends and the local traditional architectural approach. From this stems the low-tech digital fabrication method ‘Digital Tectonics’ which merges the concepts of tectonic construction and ecology that are catalyzed through a parametric design process, in essence combining digital technology and craftsmanship.
Archi-Union’s projects have been reported by many international and national architectural design media, like T+A, UED, UA, Arquitectura Viva, Abitare China, AD China, Dezeen and Archdaily.

公司网站 Website:www.archi-union.com

To support the continuous growth of the company, we are seeking excellent candidates for the following position:

项目建筑师 Project Architect

1. 建筑学专业本科以上学历
Bachelor Degree or above in architecture
2. 在建筑设计行业有5年以上工作经验
More than 5 years of work experience in architectural design
3. 有良好的项目组织与项目团队管理能力
Excellent project management and leadership
4. 有优秀的设计能力,能熟练运用AutoCAD,Sketchup,Adobe系列等设计软件
Excellent design techniques,proficiency in AutoCAD, Sketchup and Adobe Creative Suite
5. 良好的英语交流能力,能与外籍设计师沟通合作
Proficiency in English, both oral and written, can work with foreign architects independently
6. 有国家一级注册建筑师专业资质者优先
Class-I Registrated Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas are preferred

建筑设计师Architectural Designer

1. 建筑学专业本科以上学历
Bachelor Degree or above in architecture
2. 在建筑设计行业有2年以上工作经验,对建筑设计抱有热情
Passionate about Architecture, 2 years or more work experience in architectural design or related field
3. 有一定的设计能力,精通AutoCAD,Sketchup,Adobe系列等设计软件。能熟练运用Rhino,Grasshopper,Maya等参数化设计软件者优先
Excellent design techniques, proficiency in AutoCAD, Sketchup and Adobe Creative suite, with proficiency in Rhino, Grasshopper and Maya preferred
4. 良好的英语交流能力,能与外籍设计师沟通合作
Proficiency in English, both oral and written, can work with foreign architects independently

室内设计师 Interior Designer

1. 室内设计专业本科以上学历
Bachelor Degree or above in Interior Design
2. 在室内设计行业有3年以上工作经验,有国内外知名室内公司工作经验者优先
More than 3 years of work experience in interior design or related field. Having work experience in well-known interior design company are preferred
3. 有优秀的方案设计能力,精通AutoCAD,Sketchup,3D Max,Adobe系列等设计软件。能熟练运用Rhino参数化设计软件者优先
Excellent design techniques, proficiency in AutoCAD, Sketchup and Adobe Creative suite, with proficiency in Rhino preferred
4. 良好的团队合作精神,热爱设计
Good team work spirit, passionate about design

实习生 Interns

1. 建筑学专业本科或以上学历在读学生
Undergraduate or graduate students in architecture
2. 对建筑设计充满热情,有参数化设计研究及软件应用基础者优先
Passionate about Architecture, having the knowledge and software skills of parametric design are preferred
3. 精通AutoCAD,Sketchup,Adobe系列等设计软件。能熟练运用Rhino,Grasshopper,Maya等参数化设计软件者优先
Proficiency in AutoCAD, Sketchup and Adobe Creative suite, with proficiency in Rhino, Grasshopper and Maya are preferred
4. 有在国外知名建筑学府就读经验者优先
Candidates with overseas educational background are preferred

For application, please send CV (in Chinese and English) and portfolio (under 5M) to :info@archi-union.com

联系方式 Contact:021-55967071,颜小姐 Miss Yan







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