摘要: 品林国际成立于美国特拉华州,品林国际(上海)立足上海,服务于中国大陆,品林建筑延续其核心团队在境外知名设计公司积累癿成熟经验,囊括十年来占有国内高端设计市场、专著于精品商业化地产的设计经营理念,通过国 ...
品林国际成立于美国特拉华州,品林国际(上海)立足上海,服务于中国大陆,品林建筑延续其核心团队在境外知名设计公司积累癿成熟经验,囊括十年来占有国内高端设计市场、专著于精品商业化地产的设计经营理念,通过国际经验和本地知识癿有机结合,利用服务于一线开发商的宝贵经验,服务于中国大陆。“思想有多大,路就有多宽”是品林国际的宗旨。我们的愿景:打造中国大陆最有价值的地产行业建筑设计智慧链。 品林国际(上海)公司优势: 当前设计体系 城镇规划、小区规划+建筑方案设计、建筑专业初步设计、景观方案和初步设计、室内方案至施工图设计。 当前业务范围 以房地产开发(大型社区规划、别墅、公寓等)为基础,重点关注大型规划,以规划+建筑一体化设计为品质保障。 未来发展设想 以当前的主业为基础,伴随设计市场的成熟和公司的成长,我们愿意涉及更为宽广的设计领域;与更多与品林国际共同成长的人才共享品林国际的收获。 优秀的国际化设计团队 目前有30位建筑师,均为业内知名国际事务所及地产背景的行业精英组成,核心骨干源自澳大利亚墨尔本柏涛建筑设计集团,专注于精品商业化地产项目操盘。 品林国际(上海)为员工提供: 灵活的人才建设机制 公司根据每位员工的能力与特点,设置符合其发展的职业生涯方向,尊重个体,感恩个体,并回报以行业内具竞争力的薪酬与福利。 优越的办公环境 办公楼位于浦东新区金鹰大厦高档写字楼,拥有500平方米的办公面积,办公条件一流,南临世纪公园,环境优美,有利于设计师灵感的迸发! 招聘职位列表: 主创建筑师/Key Creative Architect 主创规划师/Key Urban Planner 项目建筑师/Project Architect 建筑师/Architect 助理建筑师/Assistant Architect 建筑学专业实习人员/ Architecture Interns 外籍建筑师/Foreign Architect 景观项目经理/Landscape Project Manager 景观设计师/Landscape Architect 岗位要求描述: ● 主创建筑师(设计副总监及以上) 建筑学或城市规划专业,本科及以上学历; 5~8年以上建筑方案或规划设计工作经验, 有独立主持大型项目的综合设计及管理能力; 具备较强的沟通协调能力和徒手表达能力; 具备较强的从设计到建造全过程控制能力; 熟悉相关设计规范、熟练掌握相关绘图软件; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队领导能力; 有境外知名建筑事务所或知名大型设计院工作经验者优先。 ● Key Creative Architect (Vice Design Director or above) - Architecture or urban planning profession, bachelor degree or above; - 5 to 8 years of urban planning or architectural design experience - Presided over large-scale projects with integrated design and management capabilities; - Strong communication skills and hand coordination skills; - Strong control of the entire design to construction process l; - Familiar with design codes, master in CAD and drawing related software; - Strong sense of responsibility and good team leadership skills; - experience working at well-known foreign architectural firm or a well-known design institute is preferred. ● 主创规划师(设计副总监及以上) 城市规划专业,本科及以上学历; 5-8年以上建筑方案或规划设计工作经验, 有独立主持大型项目的综合设计及管理能力; 具备较强的沟通协调能力和徒手表达能力; 具备较强的从设计到建造全过程控制能力; 熟悉相关设计规范、熟练掌握相关绘图软件; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队领导能力; 有境外知名建筑事务所或知名大型设计院工作经验者优先。 ● Key Urban Planner (Vice Design Director or above) - Urban planning, bachelor degree or above; - 5 to 8 years of planning and design construction program or work experience -Presided over large-scale projects with integrated design and management capabilities; - Strong communication skills and hand coordination skills; - Strong construction of the entire process from design to control; - Familiar with design codes, master in CAD and drawing related software; - Strong sense of responsibility and good team leadership skills; -.experience working at well-known foreign architectural firm or a well-known design institute is preferred. ● 项目建筑师 建筑学或城市规划专业,本科及以上学历; 3-5年以上建筑方案或规划设计工作经验, 有参与或主持设计大型项目的经验; 具备一定的沟通协调能力和徒手表达能力; 具备一定的从设计到建造全过程控制能力; 熟悉相关设计规范、熟练掌握相关绘图软件; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队合作精神; 有境外知名建筑事务所或知名大型设计院工作经验者优先。 ● Project Architect - Architecture or urban planning, bachelor degree or above; - 3 to 5 years of architecture planning or design or work experience - Have participated in or oversee the design of large projects; - Possess the necessary communication, coordination and free hand skills; - Construction of the entire process from design to construction; - Familiar with design code, master in CAD and drawing related software; - Strong sense of responsibility and good team spirit; - experience working at well-known foreign architectural firm or a well-known design institute is preferred. ● 建筑师 建筑学或城市规划专业,本科及以上学历; 1-3年以上建筑方案或规划设计工作经验, 有独立完成单体设计的经验; 具备一定的设计理解能力和表达能力; 熟悉相关设计规范、精通相关绘图软件; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队合作精神; 有境外知名建筑事务所或知名大型设计院工作经验者优先。 ● Architect - Architecture or urban planning, bachelor degree or above; - 1 to 3 years of urban planning and architectural design or construction work experience - ability to complete Architectural Design independently; - The design has a certain understanding and expression; - Familiar with design code, master in CAD and drawing related software; - Strong sense of responsibility and good team spirit; - experience working at well-known foreign architectural firm or a well-known design institute is preferred. ● 助理建筑师 建筑学或城市规划专业,本科及以上学历; 0-1年以上建筑方案或规划设计工作经验, 具备一定的设计理解能力和表达能力; 熟悉精通相关绘图软件; 强烈的责任心和良好的团队合作精神; 有境外知名建筑事务所或知名大型设计院工作经验者优先。 ● Assistant Architect - Architecture or urban planning, bachelor degree or above; - 0-1 years of architectural planning or design related experience - The design has a certain understanding and expression; - Considerable expertise in the CAD and other software; - Strong sense of responsibility and good team spirit; - experience working at well-known foreign architectural firm or a well-known design institute is preferred. ● 建筑学专业实习人员 建筑学专业四年级以上学生; 具备一定的学习能力和理解能力; 实习期不少于三个月; 熟练掌握相关绘图软件。 ● Architecture Interns - fourth year architecture student or above; - Have a certain learning ability; - Internship of not less than three months; - Familiar with relevant CAD or graphic software. ●外籍建筑设计师 非中国籍人士 建筑学或城市规划专业本科毕业,有二年以上设计经验,善于沟通表达,较熟悉中国国情和中国当地设计规范; 具有团队合作精神。 会少许中文,已在中国做过项目者优先。 ●Foreign Architect non-Chinese nationals architecture or urban planning graduate, has more than two years design experience, good communication skill, familiar with Chinese culture and China design code; good team spirit. Ability to understand a little Chinese, project’s in China work preferred. ●景观项目经理 园林、环境景观或艺术设计专业等相关专业,本科及以上学历; 3-5年工作经历,并担任过三年以上景观项目建筑师角色,国外事务所经验者优先考虑; 熟练操作相关制图软件,具有一定的方案构思能力、手绘能力和熟悉相关规划编制流程 独立承担过大中型公建、居住区等项目全过程设计; 具有大局观和团队领导协调综合能力,有责任心、较强的敬业精神和团队协作意识,具有良好的沟通能力和语言表达能力; 有大型设计院、合资或境外设计公司的工作经验者优先考虑。 ● Landscape Project Manager - garden, landscape or art design or related field, bachelor degree or above; - 3-5 years of work experience, and served as project architect role in more than three years, foreign firms preferred; - skilled drawing software related to the operation, the program has a certain idea of capacity, capability and be familiar with hand-painted planning process - an independent medium and large scale public buildings, residential areas and other projects the whole process of design; - with a coordinated and integrated vision and team leadership capacity, responsible, strong sense of dedication and teamwork, good communication skills and language skills; -Large design institute, joint venture or foreign design firm’s work experience is preferred. ●景观设计师 景观园林设计等相关专业大专或以上学历; 一年以上工作经历,有大中型项目设计经验者优先考虑; 能进行园林规划及方案设计,能独立完成施工图制作; 有较高的园林景观审美能力; 勤奋、工作认真细致,责任感强,具有较强沟通能力和团队合作精神,有工地现场协调经验更佳; 熟练运用AUTO CAD等软件 ● Landscape Architect - College degree or above, landscape design or related field; - More than 1 year work experience, medium-scale project design experience is preferred; - able to complete the design of construction drawings independently; - process a higher judgment of landscape aesthetics; - Hard working, responsibility, with good communication skills and team spirit, experience in site coordination preferred; - Proficiency in CAD and other design related software 如何应聘? 请发送邮件至hr@sh-pla.com,在邮件标题注明应聘岗位,并附上个人作品集 您也可以联系我们: 公司地址:上海市浦东新区民生路1518号金鹰大厦A座 电话:021-38710867 传真:021-38710912 公司网页:http://www.sh-pla.com/ |
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