TFP Farrells 诚聘
摘要: TFP Farrells 是世界著名的建筑、城市设计和战略规划的设计事务所,其丰富专业经验包括商业、住宅、零售、酒店、车站、机场、教育、健康护理和以公交为导向开发项目 (TOD) 等多个领域。公司的业绩包括于2011年竣工、 ...
TFP Farrells 是世界著名的建筑、城市设计和战略规划的设计事务所,其丰富专业经验包括商业、住宅、零售、酒店、车站、机场、教育、健康护理和以公交为导向开发项目 (TOD) 等多个领域。公司的业绩包括于2011年竣工、世界最高建筑之一的深圳京基100。此外,公司还参与了中国多个大城市地标建筑的设计,包括北京的Z15大楼和中国石油集团总部大楼,在上海的东亚银行金融大厦和汇贤居,以及两个大型高铁火车站—北京南站和广州南站。 TFP Farrells is a world renowned architecture, urban design and strategic planning design firm that has expertise across a wide range of sectors including commercial, residential, retail, hotels, stations, airports, education, healthcare and transit oriented developments. The firm’s portfolio includes the world’s tallest building completed in 2011, the KK100 in Shenzhen. The practice has designed a number of landmarks in major cities throughout China including the Z15 Tower and China National Petroleum Headquarters in Beijing, BEA Financial Tower and The Summit in Shanghai, and two of the important high speed rail termini in China, Beijing South Station and Guangzhou South Railway Station. 自1995年起 TFP Farrells 就进入中国市场,期间在亚洲地区赢取多个建筑大奖,成绩斐然。 TFP Farrells has been working in China since 1995 and has achieved a strong track record of award-winning architecture in Asia. 公司网址Company Website: 作为 TFP Farrells国际发展计划的一部分,其在上海的新办事于2011年全面投入营运,公司现诚挚为上海办事处寻找以下高素质建筑设计人才: As part of the firm’s international initiative, a fully operational office was opened in Shanghai in 2011 and the firm is currently seeking high caliber candidates for the following positions in Shanghai: 1. 资深建筑师 – 常驻上海 (SA-SH-002) Senior Architect – Stationed in Shanghai 申请者须拥有8-10年于国内或海外国际著名建筑事务所工作的经验。 Candidates should have 8-10 years experience with reputable international practices in China or overseas. 资深建筑师将负责监理当地设计院工作之事宜﹐须具备管理中国国内项目前期直至施工阶段的经验,具有大型繁杂项目的设计及技术知识。 The Senior Architect will be responsible for overseeing the work of the local design institute; has to demonstrate experience overseeing a project through construction in China and have a strong knowledge of the design and detailing of complex projects. 申请者须操流利普通话及英语,具备良好口头及书面表述能力;并须拥有良好沟通技巧,能与他人准确、清晰、有效交流。 Candidates must be Mandarin/English speaking, both oral and written, and require strong interpersonal skills with ability to communicate clearly, concisely and effectively. 持有国际认可学历及工作经验者,将获优先考虑。 Candidates with international education and work experience are preferred. 持有中国一级注册建筑师或同等专业资格者,将获优先考虑。 Class-I Registered Architect or equivalent professional certificate from overseas are preferred. 2. 建筑设计师 – 常驻上海 (AA-SH-002) Architectural Designer - Stationed in Shanghai 申请者须拥有国内或海外顶尖院校建筑学本科学历或以上。 Candidates should have bachelor’s degree or above in architecture from top Chinese universities or reputable overseas universities. 申请者须操流利普通话及英语,具备良好口头及书面表述能力,擅于沟通协调,拥有积极团队合作意识。 Candidates must be Mandarin/English speaking, both oral and written, and be excellent team players with good communication and coordination skills. 拥有两年或以上于国内著名国际建筑事务所工作经验者,将获优先考虑。 At least 2 years experience from an international practice in China is preferred. 3. 前台接待/行政助理 – 常驻上海 (ADM-SH-001) Receptionist/Administrative Assistant – Stationed in Shanghai 职责: Duties include: · 负责日常前台接待工作 Perform general receptionist duties · 提供一般行政及文书支援 Provide general administrative and clerical support · 专业接待访客 Greeting visitors in professional manner · 或须负责不同特派工作 Ad-hoc assignment is required. 申请者须操流利普通话及英语,具备良好口头及书写表述能力,熟悉计算机操作,擅于筹组协调,能够承受工作压力,并可同时处理多项任务。 Candidates must be Mandarin/English speaking, both oral and written. Have good computer skills, demonstrate strong organization skills and be able to multi-task under pressure. 任何符合资格人士如有意申请以上职位,请将个人简历、作品集,连同申请书及待遇要求发送至: Should any qualified candidates be interested in the positions, please submit resume, work sample and cover letter with salary expectations to: 申请者须注明档案编号,否则申请或将不被接纳。 Please state the job reference code on your application, or it might not be considered. 王小姐(Ms. Enid Wong) |
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