摘要: DOFFICE于2006年由多位对建筑创新充满热诚的年轻设计师创立于荷兰鹿特丹,主要从事城市、建筑及景观等方面的创作。我们的中国办公室现诚邀热衷设计的成员加入我们的团队。 DOFFICE was founded in the Netherlands ...
DOFFICE于2006年由多位对建筑创新充满热诚的年轻设计师创立于荷兰鹿特丹,主要从事城市、建筑及景观等方面的创作。我们的中国办公室现诚邀热衷设计的成员加入我们的团队。 DOFFICE was founded in the Netherlands in the year 2006. Since the foundation a number of innovative, enthusiastic and young architectural designers joined the workforce of doffice with its main focus on architecture, urbanism and landscape. Our China office are now recruiting new blood to join our team. 联系人:明小姐 do_recruit@hotmail.com www.doffice.nl 1. Architect (Jr.) As an (jr. ) Architect you will be working on projects of various scales and at various phases of the design processes. Requirements - Minimum Bachelor Degree of Architecture - Excellent Design Skills - Skillful in AutoCAD, Photoshop and Illustrator - Skillful in 3D Modeling and Visualizations -Being able to work under pressure - Being able to cope with irregular hours during deadlines - Being able to cope with cultural and language differences - Team Spirit - Responsibility Applications can be sent to the Human Resource at: do_recruit@hotmail.com with the following contents: - Full resume (CV) - Digital portfolio (PDF format, max 5MB) - Salary expectation, availability and duration ———————————————————————————————————— 2. Internship / Trainee As an internship architect you will be working on projects of various scales and at various phases of the design processes. Requirements - Minimum Bachelor Degree of Architecture - Excellent Design Skills - Skillful in AutoCAD, Photoshop and Illustrator -Skillful in 3D Modeling and Visualizations -Being able to work under pressure - Being able to cope with irregular hours during deadlines - Being able to cope with culture and language differences - Team Spirit - Responsibility Applications can be sent to the Human Resource at: do_recruit@hotmail.com with the following contents: - Full resume (CV) - Digital portfolio (PDF format, max 5MB) - Availability and duration ———————————————————————————————————— 3. Administrative Assistant / HR & PR As an Administrative Assistant / HR / PR, you will be working on projects of various scales and at various phases of the design processes. Requirements - Minimum Bachelor Degree - Proficiency in word processing software & Adobe Acrobat, etc. - Proficiency in Dutch / English / Chinese - Being able to work under pressure - Being able to cope with cultural and language differences - Related Public relationship experience will be an advantage - Organized and independent - Team Spirit - Responsibility Applications can be send to the Human Resource at: do_recruit@hotmail.com with the following contents: - Full resume (CV) - Digital portfolio (PDF format, max 5MB) - Salary expectation, availability and duration ----招聘职位------------------- 1.建筑设计师: 职位要求: -建筑学本科或以上 -三年以上工作经验丰富的设计师 -具领导能力及团队精神,创意及对建筑设计充满热诚 -熟练的模型制作能力和沟通技巧 -具责任心,独立 -精通Sketchup,熟练应用AutoCAD,Photoshop,illustrator等软件 -基本英语沟通 工作范围: -负责项目调研,设计创作,研究模型制作 -制图及后期制作 工作地区: -深圳南山区 2.助理建筑设计师 职位要求: -建筑学本科或以上 -优秀的应届毕业生或三年以下工作经验 -具团队精神,创意及对建筑设计充满热诚 -熟练的模型制作能力和沟通技巧 -具责任心,独立 -精通Sketchup,熟练运用AutoCAD,Photoshop,illustrator等软件 -基本英语沟通 工作范围: -调研,设计创作,研究模型制作 -制图及后期制作 工作地区: -深圳南山区 3.行政助理/人力资源/公共关系 职位要求: -大专或本科以上学历,管理、人力资源、传播或相关专业 -具团队精神及对生活工作充满热诚 -具责任心,独立,积极 -精通文书处理及Office, Adobe Acrobat等软件 -精通中英文口语及手写者优先处理 工作地区: -深圳南山区 联系方式 应聘人士必须将: 自荐信 简历 薪金要求及到职日期 电邮至下列地址: 联系人:明小姐 电 邮:do_recruit@hotmail.com |
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