摘要: 上海艺酷数字科技有限公司,成立于2008年8月6日,专业从事建筑室内外表现、地产视觉包装以及数字场馆的全程影像制作等服务。公司地处市中心,办公环境一流,现有一线技术员工80余人,客户对象为国内一线品牌地产商和 ...
上海艺酷数字科技有限公司,成立于2008年8月6日,专业从事建筑室内外表现、地产视觉包装以及数字场馆的全程影像制作等服务。公司地处市中心,办公环境一流,现有一线技术员工80余人,客户对象为国内一线品牌地产商和全球范围的优秀建筑设计机构。公司拥有完善的新人培训机制,并为技术骨干提供优厚的福利保障。随着公司业务的拓展,我们期待更多热情、敬业、富有行业经验的精英人士加入,现诚聘以下职位: Shanghai E-cool Digital Technology Company Limited (E-cool for short next), founded on August 6, 2008, specializes in the services such as architectural rendering, property vision packaging, the whole process of video production for digital stadiums, etc. It’s located in the city center with more than 80 employees and first class of working conditions. Our clients mainly are the top real estate developers in China and also the excellent architectural design organizations around the world. We provide a series of training programs for new employees as well as attracting welfare for excellent technical people. With the rapid expansion of business, we need more excellent people with passion, dedication and abundant working experience of this industry to join us. Now the following positions are provided: 一、公司经理 1名 要求: 1、两年以上同行业管理经验且取得一定成绩,且客户人脉很强或渲染后期很强; 2、有上进心,勇于开拓;具备较强的团队精神,主动性、创造性强。 Manager (1) Requirements: 1. Minimum two years of management experience of same industry with good achievement, large range of business relationship or high level of rendering skills are necessary; 2. Pursuit of progress and consistent development, good understanding of team work and acting positively and good at creation. 二、制作主管2名 要求: 1、建筑或美术相关专业,大专以上学历; 2、在一线从事建筑表现渲染后期工作,实际工作经验两年以上; 3、对色彩、构图、光影、氛围等具备良好的把控能力,对多种风格效果图有精湛的刻画能力和丰富多样的表现方式; 4、有管理经验者优先。 Production Executive (2) Requirements: 1. Majoring in architecture, painting or related and college degree needed; 2. At least 2 years of working experience in rendering positions; 3. Good control of color, composition, lighting and atmosphere; excellent skill in rendering production of different styles with various methods; 4. Abundant management experience preferred. 三、渲染后期 6名 要求: 1、熟练运用3DMAX、AUTOCAD 、PHOTOSHOP及各类特效插件; 2、两年左右工作经验,建筑学、美术、环艺或相关专业优先; 3、有摄影基础者优先; 4、有上进心,勇于开拓;具备较强的团队精神,主动性、创造性强。 Rendering Staff (6) Requirements: 1. Proficient in 3DMAX, AUTOCAD , PHOTOSHOP and various tools for special effects; 2. Minimum 2 years of working experience,studying architecture, art, environment & art preferred; 3. Knowledge of photography preferred; 4. Pursuit of progress and consistent development, good understanding of team work and acting positively and good at creation. 四、建模设计师 6名 要求: 1、熟练运用3DMAX、AUTOCAD、PHOTOSHOP等相关制作软件; 2、两年一线工作经验,建筑或相关专业优先; 3、有一定的方案模型深化能力; 4、有上进心,勇于开拓;具备较强的团队精神,主动性、创造性强。 Modeler (6) Requirements: 1. Proficient in 3DMAX, AUTOCAD, PHOTOSHOP and other programs related; 2. 2 more years of working experience with a background of architecture studying or related; 3. Necessary ability to develop options; 4. Pursuit of progress and consistent development, good understanding of team work and acting positively and good at creation. 五、多媒体设计师 2名 要求: 1、大专以上相关专业学历,两年以上多媒体工作经验; 2、能独立完成各种项目的制作,迅速领悟甲方意图; 3、熟练应用After Effect、Vegas、Premiere、Photoshop、Director等制作软件。 Multimedia Designer (2) Requirements: 1. College degree needed, minimum 2 years of working experience; 2. Able to independently complete the production of various projects, good understanding of clients’ ideas; 3. Proficient in After Effect, Vegas, Premiere, Photoshop, Director and other programs related. 六、 动画总监 1名 要求: 1、专科以上学历,建筑学或动画专业; 2、影视广告、编导、艺术设计或有大型影视动画公司相关从业经验者优先考虑; 3、4年以上动画制作经验,2年以上项目负责经验; 4、具有较高的艺术修养,富有创造力,拥有优秀的视觉美感及较强的沟通能力; 5、有较强的后期校色、影片合成、剪辑、特效处理能力。 Animation Director (1) Requirements: 1. College degree needed with a background of architecture or animation studying; 2. Working experience in Films and Advertisement, Film Editor, Art or related jobs in major film & animation companies preferred; 3. Minimum 4 years of experience in animation production and 2 years of experience in project management; 4. Good knowledge of Art, high ability of creation, excellent art appreciation and strong communicating skills; 5. High level of skills in color adjustment, video synthesis, film edition and special effect production. 联系方式 浦东公司:向城路29号爵士大厦B栋3楼 长宁公司:定西路1016号银统大厦北楼4楼 杨浦公司:国康路46号同济科技基地2号楼21楼 联系电话:021-58301831、 58301837 -817 手机:14782382520、 13482069222 QQ:1179021727 有意者请先发作品和简历至1179021727@qq.com,合适者我们将尽快通知面试。 Contact Pudong Office: No. 29 Xiangcheng Road, Jueshi Building 3F Changning Office: No. 1016 Dingxi Road, Yintong Building North Tower 4F Yangpu Office: No. 46 Guokang Road, Tongji Science Park Building 2, 21F Office Call: 021-58301831, 58301837 -817 Mobile: 14782382520, 13482069222 QQ: 1179021727 Please send your works and application letter to 1179021727@qq.com. We will reply qualified applicants for an interview as soon as possible. 备注: 邮件附件请控制在10M以内,以姓名和应聘职位命名发送至1179021727@qq.com,含10-20张1000点的小图和详细的个人简历,如果邮件很大,请于上班时间直接用QQ传送。谢谢! Others: Please ensure the attachment less than 10M and the subject line in form of “Name + Position” when you email to 1179021727@qq.com. 10-20 images should be included in the attachment. None of them should exceed 1000 pixel points. Personal resume should be also detailed. If the attachment is too large, please transfer via QQ during working hours. Thanks! |
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