CU office 超城建筑事务所 诚聘(长期有效)
摘要: CU office是一家从事创造性设计的国际化建筑设计公司。CU office关注当代社会与城市日常生活的转变,特别是通过社会-空间性的调查与研究,寻求积极的城市建筑策略。CU office以全球化视野,积极参与中国的城市化建设 ...
CU office是一家从事创造性设计的国际化建筑设计公司。CU office关注当代社会与城市日常生活的转变,特别是通过社会-空间性的调查与研究,寻求积极的城市建筑策略。CU office以全球化视野,积极参与中国的城市化建设,将自身的理论知识,实践经验和建筑激情注入到每一个项目设计之中,为城市与建筑学的发展做出贡献。 CU office北京超城建筑设计有限公司于2007年成立于中国北京, 创始人为德国包豪斯大学城市规划与设计博士车飞与德国拜恩堡景观建筑学硕士的章雪峰。主要从事于建筑设计,城市规划设计,景观设计,旧建筑改造,城市发展计划等实践活动。它的前身是车飞与章雪峰2004年在德国建立的IDA建筑工作室。CU office从事国内外各种类型的设计与项目,如:德国贺尔夫特2020城市设计,德黑兰商住综合体竞赛设计,天津梅江会展中心2期,四川雅安汉陶博物馆等。2008年为上海安亭国际汽车城所做的空间规划和城市化发展策略已被采纳并付诸实施。2008年为四川德阳土门镇民乐村512震后重建所作的超过500栋住宅的规划与建筑设计已经在2009年竣工。主持建筑师车飞受聘为中国扶贫基金会灾后重建专家委员会委员。 CU office的作品与理论思考得到国内外建筑杂志与公共媒体的大量关注与报导。在2009年车飞在国内出版了其首部建筑理论与实践的专著《震荡》。此外,CU office的主持建筑师车飞还是2004年北京国际建筑艺术双年展A4居住建筑与城市开发展区的策展人。CU office还应邀参与并举办展览,如2007年9月车飞,朱青生,焦应奇在798物波画廊联合展览Mulpaism / 物波主义;2009年4月CU office在798 CU space举办的超街区-金街模型;2010年4月在爱沙尼亚首都塔林的EAST GALLERY展出CU office的作品等。 Company Profile: CU office is an international architecture and design firm which dedicates to creational designs. We focus on the transition of Contemporary Society and urban daily life. Particular attention is paid in searching for positive city-architecture strategies by socio-spatial study. From a global point of view, CU office is highly involved in the city construction of China and spares no effort to perfect every project based on our theories and experiences in order to make contribution to the development of city and architecture. CU office was founded in 2007 by Architect and Urbanist Dr.cand. Che Fei and MLA. Zhang Xuefeng. Urban design, Town planning, architecture design and Public space landscape design are CU office’s main scopes of work. The predecessor of CU office is the instinctive Dynamic Architecture (IDA) Established in 2004 in Weimar of Germany. From 2007, CU office finished some important architecture and urban design projects in China. Such as: Ya’an Hantao Museum; Shanghai An-ting international automobile city center area planning; Sichuan Minle settlement rebuild after the 512 earthquake etc. In 2010, Che Fei was nomination of China architecture media award for young architect prize and his project Minle settlement rebuild after 512 earthquake was nomination of China architecture media award for residential building prize. He is Member of Urban Planning Expert Commission of China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation. The works and theoretical thoughts of CU office generate widely concern from global public media and architecture magazines. Che Fei is also as a curator work for Architecture Biennial Beijing 2004 and 2006 (ABB2004-A4 & ABB2006). He published his first book in China in 2009, which is an over 600 pages Book: CONCUSSION. CU office participates in many exhibitions including: Mulpaism along with Zhu Qingsheng and Jiao Yingqi in Mulpa Gallery Beijing 2007; Trans-community in 798 CU office Beijing 2009; Selected works of CU office exhibited in East Gallery Tallinn Estonia 2010. 招收: 实习建筑师 任职资格及要求: 1、建筑设计or城市规划专业。 2、1年以上建筑工作经验,建筑专业本科及以上文凭。 3、 必须具备手工绘图能力并熟练使用相关电脑软件(AutoCAD、rhino、3DMAX、Photoshop 、sketch-up、In Design) 4、良好的团队合作精神和优秀的协作技巧。 ps:有海外教育经历和工作经验者优先 建筑设计师 任职资格及要求: 1、5年以上建筑工作经验,建筑专业本科及以上文凭; 2、有丰富的设计经验及一定的项目管理经验,有一定的详图设计能力,熟悉现场施工方法; 3、能独立进行方案和扩初设计,有较强的方案创作能力,对建筑艺术有执著的追求,思维敏锐、活跃; 4、 必须具备手工绘图能力并熟练使用相关电脑软件(AutoCAD、rhino、3DMAX、Photoshop 、sketch-up、In Design) 5、良好的团队合作精神和优秀的协作技巧。 6、待遇面议。 ps:有海外教育经历和工作经验者优先 我们的工作室在北京798艺术区, 並且附带内地首個建筑画廊cu space, 与国内及国际建筑师一起合作开展工作营以及各种展览。 如果您想来工作或者参加一個或几个展览活动、设计项目, 都可以与我们联系。 primary Architect Qualifications and Requirements: Architecture or urban planning Applicants should have a minimal of one year architecture-related working experience and a bachelor’s degree or above in architecture. Candidates must also possess strong graphic communication skills in Freehand and Computer technologies(AutoCAD、rhino、3DMAX、Photoshop 、sketch-up、In Design) Must be effective team players and possess excellent collaboration skills. ps. Overseas education and work experience is a plus Architect Qualifications and Requirements: Applicants should have at least 5years of architecture experience and a bachelor or higher degree. Highly experienced in design projects (experience on projects management will also be preferred), skilled in Construction documents preparation, and familiar with construction methods. Applicants must be able to accomplish schematic design and design development independently. Concept creation skills, commitment to architecture and art, as well as acute and active mind are also recommended. Candidates must also possess strong graphic communication skills in Freehand and Computer technologies(AutoCAD、rhino、3DMAX、Photoshop 、sketch-up、In Design) Must be effective team players and possess excellent collaboration skills. Salary negotiable ps. Overseas education and work experience is a plus Our studio is in 798 ARTZONE BEIJING, with a new architecture gallery opened. We cooperate with domestic and international architects to carry out workshops and exhibitions, if you want a job, or participate in one/ several exhibitions and design programs, Welcome to join in us. 联系方式 Contact: CU office | 超城建筑 Lantao Center, Wanhong Rd.5, Chaoyang district, 100016 Beijing 地址:北京市朝阳区万红路5号,超城建筑,邮编:100016 Tel: +86 10 64315068 Fax: +86 10 64315078 Email:; 请登录网站了解CU OFFICE。有意者请将简历和作品样板以附件发送到,请务必注明申请职位。 Please visit to know more about CU OFFICE. If you are interested in applying for one of our openings, send your resume and work samples by attachment in bilingual version to;, and make sure to identify for which position you are applying. |
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