OPEN architecture 北京开放建筑诚聘(长期有效)
摘要: O.P.E.N. 是一个国际化的建筑师和设计师的团队。我们和跨越不同领域的合作者一起参与城市设计、建筑设计、以及跨领域设计策略的创造。面对当下时代的新挑战,我们在努力探寻新的实践模式。我们目前的实践和研究跨越 ...
O.P.E.N. 是一个国际化的建筑师和设计师的团队。我们和跨越不同领域的合作者一起参与城市设计、建筑设计、以及跨领域设计策略的创造。面对当下时代的新挑战,我们在努力探寻新的实践模式。我们目前的实践和研究跨越从城市设计到产品设计的不同尺度。开放建筑已完成的项目包括哥伦比亚大学北京建筑中心,印度作家宅,包头城市综合体与展览中心,红线公园等。 O.P.E.N.由李虎和黄文菁创立于纽约,2006年建立北京工作室,2009年成立新德里项目办公室。开放建筑的实践建立在工作室创始人在著名国外事务所多年的实践经验之上,同时又融合于亚洲独特的社会、人文和经济环境之中。李虎作为Steven Holl事务所的合伙人领导了诸多获奖项目,包括北京的Linked Hybrid复合住宅,深圳万科中心,南京建筑博物馆等。他也是美国哥伦比亚大学建筑研究生院北京建筑中心Studio-X的负责人。黄文菁曾任美国纽约贝聿铭及合伙人建筑事务所资深建筑师。实践之外,她也任教于香港大学建筑学院和清华大学建筑学院。 O.P.E.N.相信研究是设计和创造的基础,在积极地从事建筑实践的同时,也在包括Graham Foundation 等机构的研究基金的支持下持续展开一些城市研究项目。在可持续性建筑实践方面,事务所积累了大量的经验。 更多信息请见公司网页 我们诚邀有共同理想和创造力的建筑师及设计师加入我们北京的团队。 招聘职位: 资深建筑师 要求建筑专业毕业或国外同等学历。至少5年以上良好的实践经验,深入参与过不同尺度及复杂程度的项目,熟悉项目设计施工的各个阶段。有良好的团队精神及沟通、协调、组织、技术管理能力。必须中、英文流畅。 建筑师 要求建筑专业毕业或国外同等学历。至少两年以上良好的实践经验。了解项目在不同阶段的设计工作。熟练掌握各种设计研究的工具,包括3维造型软件、Adobe软件、AutoCAD, 以及构筑研究模型的能力。中英文俱佳者优先。 有意加盟请发送简历与作品(PDF或JPG格式)至公司邮箱。敬请注明薪金要求及起始工作日期。作品大小限于5Mb内。 Based in Beijing, O.P.E.N. Architecture is a team of international architects and designers, with collaborators across different disciplines to practice urbanism, architecture, and the production of strategies in the context of new challenges of our time. O.P.E.N. is led by two founding partners, Li Hu and Huang Wenjing. O.P.E.N.’s on-going design and research projects range in scale from mega-polis to domestic product, located in China, India and Africa. Projects completed and under-construction include Columbia University GSAPP’s Studio-X Beijing, Baotou Financial District Masterplan and Exhibition Center, IT Office Park and House of Gardens in Delhi (see for more details). Partner Li Hu has completed many award winning projects include Linked Hybrid and Vanke Center, which he co-designed with Steven Holl during his years at Steven Holl Architects as a Partner. O.P.E.N. believes that research is the foundation for design and creation. While actively engaging in practice, O.P.E.N. has also undertaken urban research initiatives in parallel, with supports by institutions such as the Graham Foundation for Art and Architecture. O.P.E.N. Architecture is currently seeking idealistic, talented and experienced architects and designers to join our team. JOB OPENINGS PROJECT ARCHITECT Requirements: -Master Degree in Architecture required; -5+ years of solid experience working in leading architectural offices; -Proven track record of leadership in all phases of complex built projects; -Good design sensibility; Well rounded technical knowledge; -Strong leadership skill, organized and clear thinking; -Able to work and excel under stress; -Bilingual in English/Chinese is highly preferred; Interested candidates please email CV and work samples in PDF format to Please kindly indicate salary expectations and available starting date. Work samples file size is limited to 5Mb Max. JUNIOR ARCHITECT Master Degree in Architecture or Urban design required. 2+ years of solid experience working in leading architectural offices; Self motivated and good team player; proficiency in related software; bilingual in English and Chinese preferred. Interested candidates please email CV and work samples (in PDF or JPG format) to Please kindly indicate salary expectations and available starting date. Work samples file size is limited to 5Mb Max. |
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