摘要: The brief introdction of the company简介 As an architecture design and urban planning consultannt company, it was jointly established by American licensed architects and a noted domestic architec ...
The brief introdction of the company简介 As an architecture design and urban planning consultannt company, it was jointly established by American licensed architects and a noted domestic architecutre design institute in the year 2000. “New Concepts, High Quality and Good Service ” is our design strategy. With its archivements and practices in china, through its design porcess based on each designers individual performance, X-urban has already become an influential architectre design and urban planning entity in Shenzhen. The company is grouped with a highly trained staff. Some of them are foreign architects who bring advanced techniques and concepts, some of them are excellent local architects knowing about the local context, and overseas Chinese architecture graduates. 本公司为中美合作成立的建筑与规划设计公司,在“新概念、高质量、优质服务”的理念指导下,在每一位设计师的努力下,在中国已取得可喜的成绩,成为深圳地区有影响的设计公司。 本公司是一个由带有先进思想和技术的外国建筑师、当地建筑师和留学生组成的高素质的团队。 We offer some architecture and planning positions with big incomes this year.高薪招聘建筑师和规划师 The requirements 要求: 1.skillfully operate Autocad, 3dmax, photoshop, office, word, powerpoint, and etc. 能熟练操作Autocad, 3dmax, photoshop, office, word, powerpoint 等。 2.over 2 years architecutre design or urban planning experences. 两年以上建筑设计或城市规划工作经验。 3.graduated from well-konwn architecture schools in China or foreign countries. 国内外著名建筑院校毕业。 If interested in, please visit our website at www.X-urban.comcn. And send your resumes and portfolios in Chinese or English to our company, or contact us at X-urban@ vip.163.com. 应聘者请寄简历或简要作品集至下列地址, 并附上期望报酬。来件恕不退回。 Address: X-urban Consultants (Shenzhen), Ltd. Room 1710-1712, Languang Building, 8 Zhenhua Road, Shenzhen 518031 埃克斯-雅本咨询(深圳)有限公司 深圳市 518031 振华路8 号 兰光大厦1710-1712 |
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